Golf club owner agrees to pay $100,000 over manure incident – IOTW Report

Golf club owner agrees to pay $100,000 over manure incident

golf course fine chicken manure

ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) — The owner of a Southern California golf club, who raised a stink by spreading chicken manure on the course, has agreed to pay $100,000 to air pollution regulators.

10 Comments on Golf club owner agrees to pay $100,000 over manure incident

  1. My father once (and only once) spread fish whatever on our lawn. It reeked every time it rained that summer (Michigan – rains a lot). My mom threatened bodily harm if he ever did it again.

    I think a fairer punishment would be for the &100,000 to be distributed to the neighbors. Of course, then the “pollution police” wouldn’t get their tribute.

  2. The pasture across the road from me is owned by a big cattle rancher who also owns a bunch of chicken houses and a trucking company. He hauls in chicken litter with a fleet of fertilizer trucks a couple of times a year. It doesn’t smell as bad as a chicken house, but (and I say this from experience) you always want to keep the dogs inside for a few days so they don’t slip under the fence to roll in it.

    It is the shit they clean out of chicken houses, has feathers in it too.

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