
[Breitbart] Fragments of an early Koran found in a Birmingham library may rewrite Islamic history after carbon dating revealed they could be older than Mohammed.

Scientists at the University of Oxford had already revealed that the parchment was among the oldest known Koranic texts in the world, but now several historians say it could be so old that it pre-dates the Muslim prophet, thus contradicting traditional accounts of his life and radically altering “the edifice of Islamic tradition.”

The dating reveals the text to have been written between AD568 and 645, while the dates of Mohammed’s life are traditionally given as AD570 to 632. This means that at the very latest it was written before the first formal texts were supposed to have been collated, and at the earliest it was written before or shortly after Mohammed was born.

Some academics now say that the impact of the text could be comparable to finding a copy of the Gospels dating back to before the time of Christ.

Historian Tom Holland told the Sunday Times that evidence was now mounting that traditional accounts of Islam’s origins are wrong.  MORE

rage boy


  1. To which the Moose-Limbs reply: “Nuh-uh. Liar! Liar! Lalalalalala… I’m not listening.”

    Another reason Moose-Limbs and Lefties get along. Facts matter not at all. Moose-Limbs play the “Allah wouldn’t let that be” card. Lefties play the “Science is settled” card.

    Two peas in a pod.

  2. It was MAYBE written two years before he was born and POSSIBLY written thirteen years after he died?
    Given the inaccurate records of nomadic, even civilized, societies from that era, and the broad range of the dating method, how could anybody even waste time proffering such a ridiculous theory?
    Unless it’s just to piss off the savages and show them for the ignorant and intolerant bunch they are…
    Then I’m all for it!

  3. I don’t wanna seem like I’m siding with the Muzztard Scuzzbuckets here, but my guess is this is another “well intentioned fuggup” by some Leftard “academics” who think they can help legitimize or normalize Islam by fudging the fuzzy math that is “Carbon Dating”. As if creating a “possibility” or “reasonable suspicion” that there was some other historical figure involved in or responsible for the some Islamic foundations… But that atrocity that is Islam falls squarely on the shoulders of Moohamhead and his father Satan. Sorry but “Carbon Dating” is about as legitimate as “Climate Science”!

  4. Yep – it’s a load of crap, Ever tried to read the Koran? It revolves around mohamhead and much, if not most of it, was written long after his death.

    Maybe they should put down the carbon dating and actually read it, or maybe not, they are crazy enough already.

  5. My two cents, it was on parchment, something pretty valuable then.
    The followers of Mo have no problem destroying history, if it disagrees with their own version, kinda like Progs.
    I have no problem seeing them bleaching the old text and replacing it with the ramblings of a mad man.
    What I want to know, what was on the parchment before?
    I think the forensics today could answer that question.

  6. I agree this is an attempt to make Islam more legit by the lefties by putting this closer to the time frame of Christianity.
    This carbon dating nonsense is just that …..
    Remember in the late 80’s when scientists used carbon dating to dismiss the Shroud of Turin and stated that it was some kind of forgery created in the 14th century? This pleased the Libs to no-end. Turns out that scientists have later discovered that the part of the cloth they used for carbon dating was the cloth that was sewn by nuns after a fire and many scientists have stated that the fibers on the actual shroud itself contains particles of plants and such that can be found only around the Jerusalem area.
    My point is that this is definitely a lefty tactic to give Islam
    a more believable religious standing. Pure BS

  7. Problem is the majority of people in Pisslamic countries are illiterate and can’t read the Crapran. They count on murderous mullahs and imams for the truth according to a pedophile.

  8. Forgot to say I make fake antique/vintage samplers using antique and vintage linen and threads. The materials are old but the work is done 21st century.
    It’s easy enough to fake a document using old materials.

  9. Dan K — I don’t know very much about the accuracy of carbon dating, so the “possible” dating is lost on me, but it must be fairly precise for this story to be important — I figure.

    There is more than enough documented history to dispel the myths of their prophet. This gives added credence to those facts.

  10. This is great. Like a ‘Revenge of the Nerds IV”: the elitist Oxford prigs provoke the barbarian decapitators ! It doesn’t matter who wins, it’s a pointless free-for-all !

    islam is all about SUBMISSION, the dumbing-down and domination of the human spirit. Churchill correctly termed it both repressive and regressive.

    Whether Mo dreamt this nonsense up on the crapper or it was first found in a Sears catalog, who cares !? The ancient Greeks gave us unassailable philosophical guides to live by, over 1000 yrs earlier.

  11. Except for the small detail that it means everything they’ve said is WRONG…

    <…it doesn't matter, because the later, violent Suras supercede the earlier ones anyway….

  12. Seems to me the carbon dating and the traditional time frame for Mohammad’s life over lap quite a bit. It seems more likely to confirm that this Koran was written during his life time.

    If the carbon dating didn’t overlap at all, then there would be grounds for questioning the origin of this Koran or Mohammad.

    I’d be curious to know how this newly discovered Koran matches with the modern version.

  13. It probably matches in places. Somewhere in reading I found the Koran supposedly predated the Pedophile. He altered it to suit his twisted nature. Will have to look up the info again.

  14. EVERY gnostic heresy of the early 7th century on back, is contained IN the koran – so of COURSE there are proto-koran writings out there. THAT’S the ugly secret no one (other than HONEST Bible scholars) want to admit!!!

  15. The cult of izlam is based on FAITH not FACT.

    The cult of Hanuman is based on FAITH not FACT.

    Religion is based on FAITH not FACT.

    Even if a savage izlamic madman loses his faith, he will never speak it aloud, cuz they’ll kill him.

  16. Carbon dating…..what a joke. This is the same method that tells us dinosaurs lived sixty five million years ago. What a load of crap.

    It’s seems very convenient to just throw a large, impressive number or there that no one can contradict, because, well, nothing existed back then. Who can prove our disprove carbon dating? It’s junk science, pure and simple……

  17. Islam was a scam from the start. None of the early mosques faced Mecca. They just made shit up as they went along looting, killing, raping, and molesting livestock.


    Muhammad self-diagnosed himself as insane, so he was right about at least one thing. The evidence that convinced him he was a true prophet had to do with him sitting on a naked woman’s thigh, to see if his hallucinations would go away.

    You’d have to be an idiot or insane to want to be like muhammad. Piss be upon him.

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