Donald Trump and the Revenge of the ‘Low-Information’ Voters – IOTW Report

Donald Trump and the Revenge of the ‘Low-Information’ Voters

AmericanThinker: This video slipped by me until I linked to it from a September 4 CNN report on Trump’s latest surge in the national Monmouth University poll, where he leads at 30%.

katie pavlich fox townhall

In a post-debate discussion, Townhall editor and Fox New contributor Katie Pavlich ripped into Donald Trump and his supporters.  The lady one blogger calls a “committed conservative” said, “[Trump] is the definition of a RINO[.] … [T]here’s such a thing as low-information voters on the right … and that’s what we’re seeing.” 

The 27-year-old Fox regular then compared the 69-year-old businessman’s “blunt” style to a “5-year-old.”

Pavlich is not alone.  The “low information” label is standard fare with other high-profile, so-called conservatives in the press.  George Will’s scathing description of Trump’s followers as “vulgar, unwashed masses … incapable of cognitive thought or rational action” sounds more like an early 20th-century eugenicist than a 21st-century newspaper columnist .

New York Times writer David Brooks also agrees with Pavlich and Will that anybody supporting Trump is politically uninformed.  Republican consultant and cable news pundit Cheri Jacobus tweeted, “[Trump] does have low information voters supporting him just like Obama did.”


48 Comments on Donald Trump and the Revenge of the ‘Low-Information’ Voters

  1. And these people who “know better than us” wonder why the GOP looks more and more like an elephant’s rotting corpse with each passing day.

    Time for a purge, folks – let’s clean house and show once and for all that we will NOT deal with more of the same shit and swallow it like it’s good for us. Politicians, pundits and the rest of them, they all need to get pushed out the door and a boot in the ass as they leave. If it ain’t Trump or Cruz who moves to the top, I’m done voting, and I will shout it loud and clear to my “conservative” brethren who keep saying Trump is bad for the party that they now will now see the effects of trying to make REAL conservatives look like asses while putting RINOs on a pedestal time and time again.

    I’m sick of all of it, either things work out the way they NEED to for saving this place from turning into a complete hellhole, or, let it burn. Can’t say I care that much any longer to await another knight in shining armor, it’s the one chance and if passed up, we can stick a fork in this country, it’ll be totally done.

  2. I propose the term RINO is no longer applicable. It presumes 2 things. First that the Republican party establishment’s moral compass is founded on conservatism or constitutionalism. Second that the representative, senator or president in question has violated those values. I no longer believe the Republican is based on or is a protector of those values.

  3. No fan of Trump, if he does win the nomination, bet your ass I’ll be voting for him.
    Can’t bring myself to say the same about Yeb.
    Would vote for him, maybe, don’t bet on it.

  4. Did you even read the Krugman column? Of course not otherwise you would’t have posted such a stupid comment. Far from securing Krugman’s backing, he spent almost the entire piece savaging Trump and his supporters.

    That shit doesn’t fly here pal-we’re on to your BS.

  5. Imagine it…a Trump vs. Biden Presidential debate!

    (I see this whole Trump thing as a scene from Braveheart when the Scots gave the King’s army a two cheek salute. These commentators can’t grasp that concept?)

  6. . “I remember distinctly an image of–we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” Brooks says, “and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.”

    Your cred is shot, bro. Sit down and STFU.

  7. It’s not “Lo-Fo”‘s supporting Trump. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s the F.U. VOTE and over-analyzing “Conservatives” just don’t get it. The mentality that a “Republican” has to win at all costs, no matter what they do once they get in, is “LO-FO”.

  8. I like Ted Cruz so far. I have posted many times that I enjoy the way Trump makes the establishment squirm but have we as voters really vetted the guy? I will vote for him over any democrat but he “evolves” a little too much for my liking.

    Also he has been pretty much hands off his friend Hillary. The time to kick your political opponent is when they are down and she is essentially down but he is letting her recoup. He should be kicking her to death.

    Ann B. has problems with him too. I don’t always agree with her but she has some pretty valid points.

    Also he needs to admit when he doesn’t know something, he would get a great deal more respect:

    He is very politically expedient and it maybe to the extent of our great sorrow. But that is why we have this process, to hopefully become more informed and weed out the bad prospects. He has plenty of time to win me over.

  9. On the money Mr. Pinko but I’d like to add there’s a whole shit load of people out there that just want to work again. Stop and think, if you were an 11 year old kid and can vote now, you would think this economy is the norm. Fucking Barry.

  10. If the Senate can get it’s ass handed to it by Republicans.
    If the House can have it’s ass handed to it by the Republicans.
    It stands to reason the Republicans can have it’s ass handed to them by the conservatives.

  11. Ah Ye “vulgar,unwashed masses…………..incapable of cognitive thought or rational action.” Ye low information numskulls. Ye barnyard rot, Ye Trump supporters. Away with ye ‘fore I set my hounds on ye.

    King fucking George couldn’t ‘ave said it better.
    Hey George _ Will you kiss my arse ,you elitist snob.

  12. Hey Brad, don’t look now, but Katie seems to see it the way I do.

    Time will tell if we’re correct.

    Obama was the bait for low-info Democrats.
    Trump is the bait for low-info Republicans.

  13. Hal, Really? The fucking Jewish Task Force? Seems to me they have bigger problems then Trump right now. Congratulations buddy, you found a Webb site run by a bunch of New York Lib Jews. By the way, what are Trump, Cruz. and Palin doing tomorrow?

  14. Hey Hal. As real men grow and experience life, they change.
    Ronald Reagan, one of our greatest Presidents, was once a democrat. Stop your shit. Trump is saying what I have been thinking for years. I am not alone and I am not part of the “vulgar, unwashed masses,” as your buddy George Will calls me. So fuck off!

  15. MM – No one is saying that Krugman or Warren support Trump as a candidate, they support Trump’s view of economics and a higher taxes for the rich. Which, one would think, would make a conservative wonder what it is about Trump’s positions that two big Libs like Warren and Krugman find so appealing.

    …and no, I’m not a Jeb! supporter.

  16. I think she may be in “career protection mode;” she doesn’t have the seniority to buck the establishment narrative. I’m not saying that she isn’t an establishment rump swab, just that she is not “free” to issue her opinion, whatever it may be.

  17. Not a Trump follower/supporter but certainly enjoy how he bitch slaps everyone who asks for it so if that make me a lo-info to her, tuff shit! Pavlich may be striking back for her bud, Meggie Kelly. Or may have gone over to the Dark Side, which really surprises me because I’ve followed Katie since her days at U of A and can never remember disagreeing with her. BAD GIRL!!! Pull those panties down and lay over my knee….

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