Lib Policy Backfires – IOTW Report

Lib Policy Backfires

Lib Policy Backfire: $15 Minimum Wage Hike Brings Waiterless Restaurant.

waiterless restaurant

TammyBruce: If only Liberals could think through their hair-brained ideas before messing things up.

But then, if they were actually able to think analytically, they would be…Conservatives.  More

17 Comments on Lib Policy Backfires

  1. Heh, a trip down memory lane, went to an one in Berlin, 1958.
    Dust the cobwebs off the old Automat.
    Debit cards even get rid of the change makers/cashiers.

    Where have all the servers gone, long time passing?
    Where have all the servers gone, long time ago?
    Where have all the servers gone?
    Robots have sacked them everyone.
    Oh, when will they ever learn?
    apologies to Pete Seeger

  2. Well, the reality is more complicated, you see….

    “Amtrak loses millions on its food and beverage service, and a congressional committee wants to know why…The company’s food and beverage cars have lost $833.8 million over the last decade, including $84.5 million in 2011, according to testimony at a congressional hearing Thursday.”

    “The reason: the difference between Amtrak’s costs and what it charges passengers. For example, taking overhead into account, each cheeseburger costs Amtrak $16.15 and each can of soda costs $3.40. But Amtrak charges passengers only $9.50 and $2 for those items.” [Only??]

    “Dwayne Bateman, a food and beverage employee on Amtrak for 35 years, said that, unlike a regular restaurant worker, he’s required to complete training that prepares him to help passengers in the event of a derailment, medical emergency or security breach.”

    “The work we do appears quite simple because people only see us serving a burger and soda. But the reality is more complicated,” he said.”

  3. Yeah, “But the reality is more complicated…”
    Starting with the unions having a strangle hold on the RR.
    More $15 an hour (more than that) bullshit.
    Consider our armed forces, what kind of training and requirements are they subject to?
    They would love to make what a food and beverage worker makes on Amtrak.
    What a load of bovine fecal material.

  4. Ah yes Horn and Hardart 42nd Street and ,I think, 3rd Avenue, NYC. I’m talking 1960. Apple pie and a cup of coffee for about 50 Cents. And no one with rings in their noses and lips; or tattoos or dread locks to disgust you . Bring it back

  5. You know they would siting this awful mess they helped foist upon us but then they will constitute a new law making it even more impossibly expensive to go automation.

    Stop it all now and shoot your libtard neighbor .

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