The Brats of the 60’s Have Grown Up – IOTW Report

The Brats of the 60’s Have Grown Up

Intellectual Conservative: Civil disobedience, a socialist foundation for change was rampant in the 1960’s. There were groups such as the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society, and the Weatherman Underground that tried to force a culture upon America that was fundamentally progressive/socialist in nature. There were many young impressionable people who rejected the moral and values of the Eisenhower era, The young children, the brats of the culture have grown up.

gays in sheeps clothing

These are the same people who are now in charge. There is now another upheaval in American culture. There is no new song, and the only books giving direction to these brats is the books of Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky. The propaganda of the new thinking has been pushed by the media, academia, and those in the progressive parties so that a silent change is taking place. People who once held to the traditions of this country, to the culture and values of this America are faltering in these beliefs because they have been told that this is the “new” normal. The pundits in the chattering class inform us that we are not to judge others, that anything is allowable even to the destruction of traditionally held beliefs.

The media, complicit in the degradation of values, pushes on the American People objects like Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner and inform us that this is the new normal. The progressives have sustained a constant attack of what is normal. People in this country are tolerant of a lot, and many do not pay attention until it affects them. We are constantly bombarded with the need for tolerance, but how far does that tolerance go. If a constantly stoned, out of work figure wants to rent your house, should you be tolerant and let him? Is the act of tolerance really tacit support, and will those who demand tolerance push even further after the initial tolerance is given.


6 Comments on The Brats of the 60’s Have Grown Up

  1. It’s now time to teach the new up and coming generation to practice the same tactics (Alinsky and Cloward-Piven) against the current “masters”.
    The cycle will come full circle.

  2. “The Brats of the 60’s Have Grown Up”

    Title and theme correction —
    “The Brats of the 60s Have Grown Older – They Never Grew Up.”

    There. Fixed it for ya. You’re welcome.

  3. A whole bunch of cowardly chicken shit Peter Pan wannabes. I know the type well having grown up in the 60’s. And for me as a Vietnam vet I despise their cowardly stance on that damned war. I was a reluctant participant and hated it as much as they did but I served proudly. We should’ve won that friggin war but all the pussies and the cowards and the chicken shits mostly democraps lost the war for us. LBJ and Robert McNamara (the father of the Edsel, nuff said) suck! Best and brightest my ass. And obummer sucks as well, you can’t win a war by appeasing the enemy.

  4. Tell us something we don’t know. B. Woodman, you’re on the right track, however why do we have to wait for the “new generation”? Ann Barnhardt is doing what needs to be done NOW. You’ve all got yourself between a rock and hard place (“work”, debt, materialism, participating in the rat race, probably paying for your kids’ “education” – – ha, that’s a farce!) Now you can’t do anything about it (or are afraid to) because you abdicated your consciousness years ago. Mostly people get what they deserve.

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