Jeb Bush: ‘So, 40 years ago I smoked marijuana’ – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush: ‘So, 40 years ago I smoked marijuana’

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8 Comments on Jeb Bush: ‘So, 40 years ago I smoked marijuana’

  1. I also smoked marijuana 40 years ago. I also quit 40 years ago and haven’t touched it since. And there is no way In hell even though my idiot state of Wash. has legalized it that I will ever smoke it again. And besides who can afford it and the last thing this country needs is a bunch of aging baby boomer stoners.

  2. A “baby boomer” I know who suffers from a stroke smokes it, another smokes it for MS, another smokes it to relieve chronic pain, another smoked it during cancer treatment so he could eat something and keep it down. Give me a baby boomer stoner over an alcoholic any day.
    Even James Bond never says never again, eh?

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