POPE KARL I- The Pontiff blames the refugee crisis on…Capitalism. – IOTW Report

POPE KARL I- The Pontiff blames the refugee crisis on…Capitalism.

pope francis


Did Karl Marx become Pope on March 13, 2013?

As the leader of a Church that encompasses the globe, one might expect Pope Francis to be a bit more…spiritual. Instead, he has more than once had recourse to Marxist analysis to explain global events, appearing to see economic deprivation as the cause of all the world’s evils. He did it again in an interview published last Monday, when he opined that the root cause of the refugee crisis engulfing Europe was economic inequality: 

It is the tip of an iceberg. These poor people are fleeing war, hunger, but that is the tip of the iceberg. Because underneath that is the cause; and the cause is a bad and unjust socioeconomic system, in everything, in the world – speaking of the environmental problem –, in the socioeconomic society, in politics, the person always has to be in the centre. That is the dominant economic system nowadays, it has removed the person from the centre, placing the god money in its place, the idol of fashion. There are statistics, I don’t remember precisely, (I might have this wrong), but that 17% of the world’s population has 80% of the wealth.

Let’s see. Are the Syrian refugees fleeing war and hunger? Certainly. Are they, however, fleeing an unjust economic system? Are they fleeing Syria because Bashar Assad on the one hand and the Islamic State on the other are top-hatted plutocrats puffing cigars and chuckling as they send the proletariat off to back-breaking labor? Are Assad and the Islamic State fighting one another for an increased market share? Are the Syrian refugees streaming into Europe because Syria is in love with the god money and the idol of fashion? (The Pope actually may be on to something with that idol of fashion bit: certainly women in the Islamic State holdings in Syria will get killed if they don’t bow to the Islamic State’s idol of fashion and cover everything but their hands and face.)

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19 Comments on POPE KARL I- The Pontiff blames the refugee crisis on…Capitalism.

  1. This Bergoglio jackass is a Marxist through and through. Marxism and Christianity are polar opposites. He is not Pope he is the anit-Pope. An infiltrator.

    A wicked and evil little man

  2. Seems to me that the ME’s problems are NOT capitalism, but theocracy. . . Hmmmm. . . . look in the mirror much, ol’ popey boy?
    Lesssee. .. two old men. . . .both wear fancy headgear. . . both have tons of money at their personal disposal. . . . both are men of great power, and expect to have their every utterances obeyed immediately. . . . am I missing anything?

  3. The “refugee” crisis is certainly based on greed. Most of the Syrians left safe havens in Turkey and other countries for more comfortable (and lucrative) exile in the West.

    Hell, a lot of the “refugees” aren’t even Syrian, and are flat out economic opportunists. But, no need to work to fix things in their own countries, right? ‘Gibs me dat’, Europe!

  4. Well, hey… He’s *infallible* isn’t he? Looks like all of those prophesying that the Catholic Church would be the “Whore of Babylon” from Scriptural prophesy all the 50+ years I’ve been extant may turn to to be right.
    The Pope is the Church. Attempts to disconnect the two go completely against church doctrine, don’t they?

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