Clinton bursts into laughter when asked about email scandal – IOTW Report

Clinton bursts into laughter when asked about email scandal


Hillary Clinton thinks it’s laughable to suggest that hackers may have taken advantage of her controversial private State Department email server.

14 Comments on Clinton bursts into laughter when asked about email scandal

  1. For someone who has a track record of accomplishing nothing, of course it’s natural to assume nothing has, can, or will happen. Even the mere suggestion is hilarious.

  2. “There’s no evidence of that,” she laughed in her first live interview of the 2016 presidential campaign. “Again, this is overheated rhetoric, baseless charges, trying to somehow gain a footing in the debate and the primary. And it really doesn’t deserve any comment.”

    Trouble is, everything that HRC should account for “doesn’t deserve comment” or the truth…Benghazi.

  3. And if there’s no evidence, why is she being investigated for it, and why were her servers confiscated by the FBI? What about the Top Secret documents found there that shouldn’t have been?

  4. The servers were “confiscated” by the FBI to secure them from scrutiny – thereby protecting HRC and Obola from their complicity in the murders of Amb. Stevens and three brave Americans in Benghazi and the smuggling of chemical weapons from Libya to Mali and Syria where they were put into service by the moslem brotherhood through ISIS.

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