Media saying Scott Walker bailing out of the Presidential race – IOTW Report

Media saying Scott Walker bailing out of the Presidential race

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19 Comments on Media saying Scott Walker bailing out of the Presidential race

  1. I’m with Whittle, who predicted it would take someone of great dynamism and charisma who could appeal to the 3-second attention span of the average American (isn’t that sad?) and who was media savvy. As much as pundits cry out for long-winded policy statements, most voters could care less. Obama proved that with stupid campaign slogans (“Yes we can! Hope and change!”).

    This, apparently, is the profile of The Donald. He wouldn’t be seriously considered any other GE cycle. People like Scott Walker are just too boring and shrinking violet for a base with blood coming out its eyes.

  2. The GOP plan is to have all the “moderates” drop out as to leave Bush. They will encourage (and maybe even fund) the other “outsiders” to split the votes in the primaries among themselves leaving Bush to win the moderate vote and thus the electoral votes.

  3. Because BOOSH has been groomed by the RNC to be the GOPe nominee since November 7, 2012. For over three years, he has been conditioned to believe his nomination is a fait accompli. The fact that no one wants him is irrelevant – no amount of persuasion will convince him otherwise.

    Think of the pet shop owner from Monty Python’s dead parrot sketch.

  4. I couldn’t help but notice that Walker used the fury of the American voter as his campaign centerpiece. The only problem was that Trump used it as a battering ram.

    If you have a really good hammer use the fucking thing, don’t show it to your friends, like a chrome plated penis.

  5. Yes, we do need him here in WI. Sadly, while I had originally assumed he’d be in the running until late in the game, I could see him sinking himself in the first debate with a few answers he gave (the “No abortion even in cases of rape or the mother’s life being in jeopardy” has a funny way of making 95% of conservatives head in the opposite direction), he tried a strategy of being uber-religious to the point of alienating too much of the base to where he practically made Huckabee look like he was a heathen. That, and while I know most conservatives can get behind going after more public sector unions (especially in Washington), I think he missed the mark of pushing for closed borders ala Trump which is what the people WANT to hear – too much time spent on issues that, while valid and important, were not getting the attention of conservatives who have other things on their mind for what’s most critical to worry about. Sometimes, trying to be “different” only ends up ensuring you get lost in the shuffle if you don’t listen to what the voters are asking for.

    I wish him the best once back to being focused on the task at hand of being Governor first and foremost, this just wasn’t his time to shine for being president, and at least he had the dignity to bow out when it was clear he wasn’t going to rise again, unlike Graham, Pataki, Jindal, etc. who will likely keep wasting money for a few months longer on campaigns that aren’t ever going to get off the ground.

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