McCarthy rumored to take leave of absence to undergo Tommy John surgery on his tongue. – IOTW Report

McCarthy rumored to take leave of absence to undergo Tommy John surgery on his tongue.

McCarthy (Boehner 2.0) drops out.

HINT/CLUE: Rep. Renee Ellmers

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23 Comments on McCarthy rumored to take leave of absence to undergo Tommy John surgery on his tongue.

  1. Hillary’s campaign coordinators on state-MSNBC, are likening the conservative stance to the return of plantations and Jim Crow laws. CommieNN paints the party as a nut house, without the racism.

  2. If any of you still think that little pissant Ryan is Presidential material, consider this:

    “Kevin McCarthy is best person to lead the House, and so I’m disappointed in this decision. Now it is important that we, as a Conference, take time to deliberate and seek new candidates for the speakership. While I am grateful for the encouragement I’ve received, I will not be a candidate. I continue to believe I can best serve the country and this conference as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.” – Rep. Paul Ryan

  3. That just goes ta’ show ya’ that a person can be a brilliant interrogator, and from what I have seen that is undisputable, and yet not be qualified for Speaker of the House.

    Gowdy is “good at his chosen profession,” damn good… but there is not much in the public record to suggest that he is a multi-talented individual.

  4. McCarthy was a MAN at the news conference – not whining and blaming anyone, just smiling and bowing out. When asked about his foolish comments re. the Benghazi hearings, he said they “weren’t helpful” and laughed.

    He could have been a complete whining pussy.

  5. It seems we have been played again. McCarthy steps down, Boehner postpones speaker election, and until that time that an election is held, Boehner remains speaker, possibly throughout next year. There is no end to their kabuki theater.

  6. I’m telling you, Sarah Palin as speaker of the house would have Obama packing his bags, Michelle packing the silverware and Clinton packing her passport. Gezzuz, the gnashing of teeth of SJW’s and liberals everywhere would be painfully audible. Oh well, I can dream can’t I.

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