Hillary Email Exposed Identity Of CIA Operative In Libya – IOTW Report

Hillary Email Exposed Identity Of CIA Operative In Libya


Hillary Clinton used her private email to pass along the identity of one of the CIA’s top Libyan intelligence sources, raising new questions about her handling of classified information, according to excerpts from previously undisclosed emails released Thursday by Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republican chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

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11 Comments on Hillary Email Exposed Identity Of CIA Operative In Libya

  1. I think it is going to take a smoking gun in her hand, and a corpse at her feet before anything happens. How can hrc supporters make a case for her position? How can they be so FUCKING STUPID?!?!

  2. Joe, I really think it will take her being elected president then her fat ass accidentally sitting on the red button while touring the nuclear command center.

  3. Her spin story will be the information wasn’t stamped classified.
    And others made the mistake of trusting her to be smart enough to know it’s classified with out being stamped “Top Secret”.

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