U.S. MUSLIM: Kills Mom, Cuts Her Heart Out … – IOTW Report

U.S. MUSLIM: Kills Mom, Cuts Her Heart Out …

ClashDaily-This is absolutely disturbing and disgusting. Chances are that you won’t even hear about it from the mainstream media.

muslim matricide

A California man accused of murdering his mother told police that he sliced open her chest, removed her heart and then…

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22 Comments on U.S. MUSLIM: Kills Mom, Cuts Her Heart Out …

  1. During an argument in her bedroom, he claims she pointed a gun at him. That’s when he grabbed a hammer off the bedroom wall and knocked the gun out of her hand.

    This quote will be used by the brain-dead socialists to “prove” that a gun can’t save your life.

    The problem is simple to understand: she was unwilling to pull the trigger because it was her child. Had it been a stranger, she’d be alive and the M.E. would have been digging bullets out of him instead of her.

  2. They were soooooo very careful not to mention Omar’s religious affiliation outright. They did, however, leave enough information for readers to draw the obvious conclusion:

    The detective said he spoke with the victim’s family, who said that the mother and son had not been getting along. They also said that “it is well known that the family has seen a change in Omar since he has returned from Morocco several months prior to the murder.”

  3. I won’t comment as to whether Islam had a hand in this atrocity. The simple fact is that Omar’s brain is broken and probably has been for a while. I wonder whether they noticed missing dogs and cats in his neighborhood while he was growing up. In any event the only humane thing to do is to give him a month or so to say his goodbyes and make peace with whatever God he worships then to shoot him in the back of the neck. It would be cruel to keep him on death row for decades or to assign him to a solitary confinement cell until he dies or the guards screw up one day and the other cons butcher him like a hog.

  4. I disagree. I think he should be kept alive and put into the general pop with Bubba, Thor, and Tiny. Let them bid cigarettes to see whose harem Omar will be in. They’ll give Omar PLENTY of (anal) straightening therapy while he’s incarcerated. And other prison delights not mentioned at this time. It will relieve the stress of other inmates in permanent incarceration, and thus reduce the likelihood of rioting.

    Am I doomed to hell for thinking in this fashion?

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