The EU hates Jews, it always has – IOTW Report

The EU hates Jews, it always has



eu anti jew-products

It can be seen in how they treat the Jewish state of Israel, as well as in how they import tens of millions of Jew hating Muslims into the continent to replace the Jews that they’ve murdered, placating their every whim.

EU Ambassador: Labeling ‘Settlement’ Products Just the Beginning.

The European Union plans to take more measures against products made by Jews in Judea and Samaria.

Several weeks ago, the EU announced that it would label such products as being made in the “occupied territories,” in order to “give European consumers full information when making buying choices,” EU officials said.

Israeli officials believe an official announcement on the matter is imminent. The officials said that the labeling rule would be set as a recommendation, not a requirement, so that specific countries would be free not to use the labels.



5 Comments on The EU hates Jews, it always has

  1. They have big noses and they smell funny.
    They’re all rich.
    They’re bankrupting welfare.
    They’re all doctors and lawyers.
    All the corporations are run by Jews.
    They’re destroying Europe.
    They abandoned Europe for Israel.
    The banks are all run by Jews.
    The Jews control the rednecks.
    They marched with the negroes back in the 60s but that was just to take over the Civil Rights Movement.

    What’s to like?

  2. If Europe had any brains left, they should deport EVERY LAST MUZZIE and ask the Jews to return…
    Not just ask, they should make it attractive for them to come back, and re-populate.

    Unfortunately, many Jews in the West also back the wrong horse — Liberals !

  3. “The officials said that the labeling rule would be set as a recommendation, not a requirement. . ”

    Uhhh. . huh. . . And how many times has Das Gooberment started out by saying, “It’s optional”, and ended up saying, “It’s now mandatory”, when not enough (of the right) people participated. So, suuuuure. . .

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