Clutch the pearls! The Vast Right-Wing Media is against Paul Ryan!? – IOTW Report

Clutch the pearls! The Vast Right-Wing Media is against Paul Ryan!?


paul ryan b

Yeah? And?

10 Comments on Clutch the pearls! The Vast Right-Wing Media is against Paul Ryan!?

  1. So, when is this Ann v Ryan debate coming off again? What, in his wildest imagination, could Ryan gain by it? I’ll believe it when I see it, ’cause Ryan is just an owned stooge of the Dead Elephant Party, and his culpability is not going to be allowed on display by our rulers.

  2. Funny, if old Crazy Joe could have Ryan heeling like an obedience school puppy what will Ann have him doing. He better hurry and find some very important investigation that needs to be done out of country, or be prepared to unconditionally surrender his manhood!

  3. “They are radical populists who neither understand nor accept the institutions, procedures and traditions that are the basis of constitutional governance.”

    –and I thought that the Constitution, as set up by the Founders, was the basis for constitutional governance. But what do I know. I’m just an unnuanced right-wing extremist.

  4. I believe Ryan is a stand-up guy. I’d hate to see him take the leadership, because like the comments here by conservatives and knowing how the democrats treated him, its a position in which nobody can excel. The republican part will be dead for sometime, maybe never to be prominent again.

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