ICYMI: Democrat Voters Confused: “I Didn’t Realize I Would Be The One Who Was Going to Pay For It Personally” – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Democrat Voters Confused: “I Didn’t Realize I Would Be The One Who Was Going to Pay For It Personally”


DC Clothesline:
Back in 2008, when then-candidate Obama promised Joe the Plumber and the rest of America that he intended to spread the wealth around, most democrat and liberal voters embraced the notion of wealth redistribution under the guise of equality. A universal health care plan, that would be free for all Americans, was the promise from the candidate of hope and change.

Tens of millions of Americans jumped on the bandwagon waving their flags, fainting at his appearances, and fawning over his every word.

None ever thought about where the money would come from for all this new found wealth he promised to bestow upon them.

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12 Comments on ICYMI: Democrat Voters Confused: “I Didn’t Realize I Would Be The One Who Was Going to Pay For It Personally”

  1. I told you so is way too late to say to these morons. How do you put that monster back in the Pandora’s box after it has been let out? Only a revolution, led by the likes of Trump, Cruz, Carson and all of these thick headed Hussein worshipers that now know the truth, will have a snowball’s chance in hell of delivering us from this evil foisted upon the majority who clearly sounded the clarion call to the tone deaf among us…

  2. These morons will never see the light. Fuck ’em. They’ve helped destroy our country.

    Not off topic:

    All these years we’ve been listening to asswipes like, Harry Reed, Hillary Clinton, Dean from The Wizard of Oz, Pelosi, and a rake of other imbeciles denigrate the Koch Brothers; Reed blasted them constantly
    from the floor of the Senate.
    Well, tonight I listened to Megyn Kelly’s interview with Charles Koch on FOX.
    The above mentioned scum couldn’t shine his shoes in my opinion.
    Check it out.

  3. This is the dumbed-down, Politically Correct culture that defecRats and Communists have been cultivating for decades. They are the Eloi who will gladly have their lunch taken away from them and then eaten for desert. This is who the defecRats praise and pander to while vilifying people like the Koch brothers and Trump who are Capitalists that can actually be constructive and build something!

  4. Hillary can count on almost the same 50% of the lo-fo electorate to vote for her promises of an even longer Goodie Train. Throw in a couple million illegals and we could be looking at her as president.

    I see the IRS has begun to send out “shared responsibility” bills to those that didn’t buy health insurance. Ain’t that grand for those that couldn’t afford health insurance? Now they still don’t have it and are being fined.

  5. The fact is, if Barry could run again, he’d be elected (scary!).

    The fact is, Dems and Libs would vote for Daffy Duck if he was the nominee (scary!).

    Intelligent thought is NOT a part of the election cycle.

  6. Neal Boortz – a now retired syndicated radio personality – used to telll the story of a university professor (I forget where) who gives final grades based on redistribution. Those with the highest scores have points taken away and given to those with the lowest scores so everybody passes.

    The students with the highest scores are always outraged at this redistribution. Why study so hard if their points are going to be given to someone who chose not to put in the same effort?

    Interestingly, those who benefited from grade redistribution NEVER thank the person whose points they received.

  7. and in the immediate future…….

    the overall student average for this class will lower because who wants to work hard if everyone gets the same grade…….

    (Socialism as in the Pilgrims first couple of winters doesn’t work.)

    and in the distant future…..

    no one will take the this professor’s class to get a communal grade…..and the professor will be fired via the laws of supply and demand…..unless he/she/it has tenure.

  8. Ms Vinson & Mr Washcura remind me of Jarvis Bates (Slim Pickens) in The Flim Flam Man.

    Curley feels it’s morally wrong to trick Jarvis out of his money. He is only persuaded to go along with the scam after Mordecai Jones (George C Scott) assures him that you can’t cheat an honest man, and that the Pigeon Drop con won’t work on Jarvis if he is an honest man. This is how the scam played out :

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8hEm6LiU3rw .

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