Ted Cruz: Barack Obama Is ‘An Apologist For Radical Islamic Terrorists’ – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz: Barack Obama Is ‘An Apologist For Radical Islamic Terrorists’

Ted Cruz and Flag

TP: (Daily Caller) – Ted Cruz says Barack Obama is “an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists” and that Libya, under dictator Muammar Gaddafi, was “better for US interests than the chaos now.”

Cruz, appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday insisted, “Look, toppling Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a bad guy but you know what? Libya is an absolute chaos and war zone where jihadists are battling back and forth and here’s.”

Host Chuck Todd asked Cruz, “Would the Middle East be more stable today if you had the strong men there?” Cruz replied, “Of course, it would. Of course, it would. It– it wasn’t even close.”

Todd continued to press Cruz, “Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad, if they’re strong men, they keep stability?” Cruz responded, “It wasn’t even close that Libya under Gaddafi was better for US interests than the chaos now that is allowed jihadists to gain strength.”

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14 Comments on Ted Cruz: Barack Obama Is ‘An Apologist For Radical Islamic Terrorists’

  1. Liking Cruz more and more. He’s smart to direct the issues toward the Obama administration. Laying the ground work to go after Hillary (or possibly Biden). He and Trump remind me a little of the Tortoise and the Hare. You can guess which is which. Too bad Trump wouldn’t settle for VP if he doesn’t win the nomination. A Cruz/Trump ticket would explode a lot of heads…..both Dem and Repub.

  2. I’ve said all along that Trump is the best thing out there for Cruz. Trump gets the word out there and moves the goal posts wider to the right. If he burns out or quits there will stand Cruz, almost exactly the same views but seen as a more “moderate” choice.

    I wish he would renounce his stand on H1-B visas though.

  3. Carson needs to drop out. All his supporters will go for Cruz.
    Cruz is climbing in the polls. I like Carson, but Cruz has balls and he’s not afraid to use them.

  4. Hmm, let’s see if Ted is correct:

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

    “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

    “My Muslim faith”

    “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

    Couldn’t be clearer to me that Ted is correct!

  5. Cruz understands there is only one Islam. There is no ‘radical’ Islam or ‘peaceful’ Islam. It’s all the same annihilating, murderous death cult that wants to control the world.
    Win Ted, Win!

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