Habitat Exchange: A Bad Idea – IOTW Report

Habitat Exchange: A Bad Idea

money payment bribe

AmericanThinker: The idea of habitat exchange has been gaining ground at the state and federal level.  Already several western states have implemented small-scale exchanges through which businesses, energy companies, government entities, and developers purchase credits to set aside habitat for endangered species.  Once this habitat has been purchased, development is then allowed to proceed without the threat of regulatory delay.

If this sounds a bit like mafia protection money, maybe that’s because it is.  Developers who are targeted with the threat of expensive permitting delays are given an offer they can’t refuse.  Liberals in government aligned with environmental groups are willing to give them a free pass as long as they pay up.    more here

6 Comments on Habitat Exchange: A Bad Idea

  1. Your damn right it is. Isaiah 14 teaches that Gods’ adversary, desires to bring the world to a wilderness.
    Question is, who’ll stand.
    But hey. He’s the jolly green giant.

  2. Prediction 2030:
    Sorry 541292, you don’t have enough eco-credits to buy the X5900 Eco-Traveler”.

    Are you a #, or are you a person.

    In the depths of our souls, know this is coming.

    And will never bring freedom

    Most will accept.

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