2/3rds of the Freedom Caucus is willing to support Ryan as speaker – IOTW Report

2/3rds of the Freedom Caucus is willing to support Ryan as speaker

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WT: Rep. Paul Ryan won over most of the members of a key conservative caucus Wednesday night as he tried to stitch together enough support to become the next House speaker, amid ongoing concerns about his list of demands and worries that his need to be drafted into the job does not bode well for someone filling Congress’ top constitutional post.

The House Freedom Caucus, which was a major part of the maneuvers that pushed Speaker John A. Boehner to announce his retirement, met with Mr. Ryan and then took a vote in which about two-thirds said they would back him when the time comes next week. more

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24 Comments on 2/3rds of the Freedom Caucus is willing to support Ryan as speaker

  1. Get him on the throne and then send him into early retirement like Bo(eh)ner for betraying conservative principles? That’s a clever political move if that’s what the Freedom Caucus is up to.

  2. I know-unfuckingbelievable.

    You just gotta face it, almost every Republican is a fucking pussy, more afraid of the left dominated media & losing plum committee assignments then they are concerned not only about the soon to be PERMANENT minority status of the Party but the death of American culture.

    And Trump is going to have this POS to work with?

  3. It’s going to take a million armed protesters showing up in DC to show these mofos we want our country. The man that starts that charge will go down in history.

    So who’s it gonna be?

  4. Ryan mentions that the country needs leadership as he detailed all his petulant demands. No need to spare him if flames engulf the capital.

    “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. Well of course 2/3 of them are just masquerading as conservative. That is just par for the course with eGOP scoundrels and actually it is true of Democrats who are not running in heavily “progressive” districts too.

    Notice that you will never find a true-blue conservative trying to pass themselves off to the voters as a progressive.

    Having this little weasel in the running is actually doing us a service by exposing these bastards as the four-flushers that they are.

  6. Not sure exactly why all the negative thoughts on Ryan. Personally, I not only like his politics, but think he’s a good man. Compromise is part of politics and because it is, America is losing on both sides. The alternative to compromise would even be worse. So yes, we have to embrace certain realities, but believing we can bring the liberal side to a complete halt is the same type of arrogance the jihadist use.

  7. The Left hasn’t had to ‘compromise’ anything substantive since WWII. (Entitlements, size/government, abortion, ‘war on poverty’, immigration…..)

    If they unilaterally ‘compromise’ for the next 20 yrs, then I would accept your premise.

  8. What’s the ‘compromise’ on $20 Trillion in debt?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on child sacrifice?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on the flood of rat-people?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on enslaving our children to socialism?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on Sharia?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on “the right … shall not be infringed”?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on destroying our health care system?
    What’s the ‘compromise’ on a corrupt FedGov?

    If someone wants you dead, and you don’t want to be dead …
    then where’s the ‘compromise’?

  9. the only way is if they start arresting these people. once one of them starts to spill the beans .. the house starts to fall we could send 5 million to dc . obama dosen’t care at all

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