“Canada just elected an idiot” – IOTW Report

“Canada just elected an idiot”

I am stunned Canada chose this fool to represent them but there you have it. As a lampooner of absurd politics, I just won the lottery. Canadians, on the other hand, just jumped off a cliff.

gavin m

When Americans ask me how dumb he is, I say, “He’s not like anyone you met in real life. He’s like a character in a TV show. Like, Joey from Friends. He’s cartoonishly dumb.”
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40 Comments on “Canada just elected an idiot”

  1. I’m not really plugged into Canadian politics other then thinking, aside from the idiotic multiculturalism they have going on, they seemed to have their economy on much better footing the The Land of the Fairy Dust Dollar immediately to the south.

    But when I saw they had thrown out their rational, conservative PM for this moron, my jaw did in fact drop.

    Regressives won’t be happy until…what? another World War? moslims and sharia law destroy western civ?

    They have no end game strategy other then 1984 I guess.

  2. Canadians can be so stunningly stupid at times (I know, I’m one). Harper (the outgoing PM) had the media against him right from the beginning. They hated him with a passion and all their stories about him had been twisted and spun to show him in the worst light. In addition, Canadians especially the 20’s to 50’s believe everything they see on the internet regardless of who posted it and most of the SJW’s on the net posted the worst lies, innuendo and truth dissembling I’ve ever seen there. My niece (who I had great hope for) almost was frothing at the mouth about Harper and when I questioned her about it she used a number of the leftist handbook tactics in order to not provide concrete answers. In any event she’s a nurse in Alberta and now that they have an NDP provincial government and a Liberal Federal one she’s going to find out the hard way that elections have consequences. We can only hope that the in the Liberal advisers Trudeau has around him there are a few that understand economics because he sure as hell doesn’t. We are so screwed.

  3. I don’t know why, but people frequently love to elect abject fools to high public office. Canada just saddled itself with Trudeau, but they also have a Rob Ford in their national woodpile as well.

    This isn’t just endemic to Canada – the U.S. has a long and storied history of electing fools to office. Jesse Ventura, Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi…the list is long and, uh, distinguished?

    I think the reason for this is that a lot of necessary national policies involve issues which are complicated and may have numerous adverse long term unintended consequences which need to be considered and analyzed, and which are not really sexy or the solutions to which involve personal responsibility and effort. This is far too much work for many in the electorate, and liberal politicians have realized for a long time that short, memorable yet vacuous slogans make their constituents feel smart without having to think about anything.

  4. A CBC poll run after the election asked the question, why did you vote for the Liberals? These were the percentages of the responses:

    2% – Justin Trudeau
    4% – Liberal Policies
    78% – Just needed a change
    16% – Other

    This shows how friggen stupid people are…”we want a change, but we have NO IDEA what policies we are asking to change.”

    This will personally cost me thousands of dollars in new taxes and as the Liberals are gun-grabbers. We all expect our handguns and semi-auto rifles to be seized. We don’t have a Second Ammendment or property rights in our charter and seeing that all handguns and “scary black rifles” are registered (unless you are a crook), it will be easy to know who has what.

    Anyone help a brother out with sourcing on a really good 80% lower?

  5. I did a little research after you post the other night. These look like your guys.


    However just because the US DOJ considers them “Not A Weapon” doesn’t mean Canada has the same view point. The link I gave you is a Canadian Company that should know the laws.
    Warning, most people that try and finish an 80% with a jig and a drill motor go down in flames. Hopefully you have a friend with a Bridgeport. Another tip is have your upper at the time you are milling your lower so you KNOW it fits. I’m constantly running into guys that had their 80% milled and then purchased an upper and guess what. I’d suggest a 7.62 by 39 gun because they’ll be after the NATO ammo too. That and it’s a far superior round. If you go the route hit me up and I’ll get you one of our bolts. It’s the only on that lives in the gun.

  6. We can probably look forward to buying up Canadian assets cheaply in a year or two – as the liberal economic policies they will likely see imposed, destroy their economy. I have my eye on a few hydropower complexes.

    On the downside, he’ll likely flood Canada with jihadi infiltrators, too, because tolerance – which must be a synonym for being suicidally stupid

  7. I used to feel sorry for yall being the small younger sibling of us Americans and getting no respect. Guess what, yall deserve no respect. Any country that can vote 71% for progressives in a national electtion is too stupid to help. Good luck to you (no not really). I hope you get everything your deserve.

  8. Prepare for a German-style onslaught of Muslim ‘refugees’. His nose is so far up the camel’s ass he may as well marry it.
    Trudeau is a moron. His father got elected because like Obozo people thought he was chic and trendy. A warm breeze in a suit.

  9. ..and I just now saw Mcinnes covering that.

    On the bright side for me, is maybe yarn from the north will be cheaper. Otherwise, I feel badly for sane Canadians. Our economy had to be tanked in order for their dollar to reach some parity. They’re in for a devastating upheaval.

  10. Well Andy, not sure if you’re gloating or just being a dick (I suspect the latter) but then I look at the changing demographics in Texas and realize you won’t be far behind us. On top of that you have a President that has shown he’ll use executive orders to defy Congress and a SCOTUS that will more then likely decide in favor of his actions and with a year to go in his term and no way to stop him he could very well change the election playing field so that a proven liar or a self described socialist could get elected President. I mean we could be very well screwed up here but don’t get too comfortable because you may well be joining us in the barrel pretty damn soon. I hope not though.

  11. Hey, I’m Canadian and he most assuredly didn’t get my vote. We got saddled with Trudeau like you got saddled with Obama. Have some pitty, I wore black the day after Obama was elected.

  12. Keynesian economics just like his dear old Dad Pierre. Borrow, print and spend seems to be the new “way” in the world. All we need is a made in Canada version of Janet Yellen to make it perfectly messed up.Guess people in Canada haven’t heard of Greece. I just hope the “Pocket Pierre” leaves the finance minister alone. We Canadians are in the shit.

  13. We’re not the only ones that are in for a devastating upheaval. You can’t keep printing money forever without consequence. Is your ‘recovery” real?
    Where goes the USA, there goes the world (with Janet Yellen and the Fed, showing us the way-unfortunately).

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