George W. versus the Tea Party – IOTW Report

George W. versus the Tea Party

Tries to rescue brother’s campaign by trash-talking Ted Cruz.

super bush and lil jeb

Politizette: We haven’t heard much from President George W. Bush during the past seven years.

After leaving office with approval numbers in the high 20s, he made a conscious decision to keep a respectful distance from Washington, to refrain from becoming the Pundit-in-Chief criticizing his successor’s every move.

“He deserves my silence,” Bush said of the newly elected Barack Obama. “I think it is essential that he be helped in office.”

Indeed, when the left was going wild in Obama’s first term, all the Bushes went mum. George W. was suddenly applauded by elites in both parties as a gallant statesman when he announced that he wouldn’t criticize his successor.

Thankfully, grassroots Republicans didn’t agree. And when the Tea Party upstarts helped the Republican Party roar back in the 2010 midterms, the Bushes knew they were revolting not only against Obama, but against Bushism.  more


30 Comments on George W. versus the Tea Party

  1. If it’s Bush v Clinton 2016 the Bushes won’t say a goddamn negative thing about Hillary.
    The families are best buds.
    I lost a lot of respect for W.
    He is a tool and a goddamn fool.
    The left torched his ass and he and Rove didn’t say a fucking thing.
    Prick bastards are like a wife that lets her husband beat her ass on a daily basis, then when the cops come the wife blames the cops.

    Jeb is a delusional doughy moron.

  2. Aaaaalll that time, he never said a damned word about 0bama and all that crap the people in his admin did to this country. Not a peep. But Ted Cruz runs for preezy and doesn’t say anything shitty about Cheb! btw, and he goes and talks shit about Ted? Naturally, Ted
    was a gentleman when he responded to what Cheb’s brother said, but I know he was pissed.
    And I’m totally pissed that I didn’t think of doing that imagef first. lol

  3. When G W refused to defend himself against all of the vicious attacks from the Left he was also failing to defend the country from its worst enemy and to defend all of the honorable, patriotic Americans who voted for him.

    Now, it turns out that he’s just a nasty, clueless little man.

  4. I’m guessing he’ll attack Trump next? Ha. I’m not 100% sure about Trump, but I’m 100% sure he’ll sew both those brothers’ asses to each others’ faces. 😀

  5. Yeah, he had to ‘save capitalism’ by becoming marxist. There were some ridiculous things GW did that 0bama used as a springboard. He opened the door for stuff 0bama did and the libs are still unhappy with GW. LMAO.

  6. You know, if a single son-of-a-bitch ever said that 9-11 was a conspiracy created by me while president of this great nation I would absolutely go scorched-earth on their ass.

    There would be daily Rose-garden blastings of the pricks, I would smoke their asses daily before breakfast.
    Any MSM that took up their cause, I would go to the ends of the earth making their putrid, insignificant lives a living inferno!

    Likewise, if some dumb black 78-IQ fool blamed a hurricane on me and said I “hate black people”, I would publicly humiliate the ignorant fuck until he crawled back into the corpulent ass of that even more ignorant whore-cunt he is screwing.

    Loco is indeed pissed again!
    Don’t fuck with ME, or CRUZ, W!
    Or Trump, BITCH!

  7. The Bush/Clinton sickening kissy face fest and holding hands with Saudi princes opened my eyes to the progressive, treacherous chracteristics of the Bush clan. GW’s negative attitude towards Cruz proves once more, the American people are not a priority for the Bush family.

  8. Barack Obama hates and talks badly about the Tea Party.
    George W Bush Hates and talks badly about the Tea Party.
    They seem to have a LOT in common.

    We are exposing the fact that there’s the Tea Party – a group of citizens that doesn’t want government overlords – and then there’s the political class, with titles like Democrat, and Republican.

  9. RIGHT ON!! I was flabbergasted for 8 years watching REgressives call this man everything under the sun including Harry Reid calling him a liar and from W? NADA! WTF??

    I would have gone over to the Senate and called Reid out publicly, then started to work on his face.

    But that’s just me.

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