Clinton: ‘I will go as far as I can, even beyond Obama’ to welcome illegal immigrants – IOTW Report

Clinton: ‘I will go as far as I can, even beyond Obama’ to welcome illegal immigrants



Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, pledging to go “beyond President Obama” in embracing illegal immigrants, said that she will use executive powers as president to go around Congress to end deportations.

At Saturday’s Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, she also called illegals “law abiding.”


24 Comments on Clinton: ‘I will go as far as I can, even beyond Obama’ to welcome illegal immigrants

  1. Taxation without representation, citizen!
    No taxation with representation, illegal!

    Screw this, I’m leaving the country and coming back illegal, ya’ll can pay for it.

  2. This “executive powers” thing needs to be reined in before it unravels the fabric of our tripartite Constitutional government.
    We fought a revolution to get away from a Monarchy. I would never want to see it come to that again.

  3. Hey, everybody living on a low-income sell everything and move to Hawaii they will find you a free place to live and help you meet all your other expenses. Plus the weather is great and the ocean is right next door (Pass the word to all 40+ million criminal invaders living in the shadows that Hawaii is the place to illegally migrate to
    and B. Hussien Obama will provide them with a free ticket to paradise just for the asking at any Federal Building or Post Office)!

  4. Agreed. Does no one find disturbing the candidates who are bragging that they would operate using Executive Orders? That’s not how our system of government was designed and these things really need to be reigned in.

  5. Rember Silly Putty? That is Hillary. Silly Putty Hilliary can be shaped, re-shaped and even can be used to imprint something upon herself, but she will always revert to her original piece of sh-t shape. She is a despicable piece of filth.

  6. More like from lies and corruption at the highest levels with the aid of the MSM. I don’t think that anyone who really knows what’s going is apathetic. They’re either hopping mad or part of the problem.

    We’ll see what happens with the 2016 election. After that…..

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