LAX cop didn’t like my questions about niqabs – IOTW Report

LAX cop didn’t like my questions about niqabs

tsa the rebel

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David Menzies of TheRebel.Media reports, on the unfair and potentially dangerous double-standards of the Transportation Security Authority (TSA).

In our politically correct post 9/11 world, we now seem to have the worst of both worlds.

15 Comments on LAX cop didn’t like my questions about niqabs

  1. The issue was NEVER about trying to make flying “safer” – it was always about gov’t intrusion and acclimatizing the American people to an omni-present Police intrusion.

    Worked, too, didn’t it?

    We no longer give consideration to surveillance cameras or GPS in our phones and cars.

    What’s next?

  2. We all know this-what’s his point?

    And don’t think for a second that the next Mohammed Attas cooking up some shit know it full well too.

    Some rag head is going to smuggle a bomb on board a plane and then…then what? Not shit, that’s what.

    I used to hop flights all the time, now I won’t fly, haven’t flown for years. But if were going through security and saw a fully clothed moslim able to avoid screening that was going to board my flight, I would raise bloody murder-I don’t give a shit about missing a flight.

  3. It sure was effective fucking with the TSA grunt, wasn’t it? Bet you made his damn day, If I were he, your ass would be behind the curtain being strip-searched. I see attention whore.
    If you want to complain go straight to the top, not the schmuck on the bottom.

  4. I got a special pass stamp on my boarding pass to fly from Chicago to Fort Wayne last month. it meant that I could keep my Crocs on while I walked through security. Wow did I feel special.
    Then I did walk thru the guy asked me to raise my arms for a frisk, and he brushed along my sides and pulled my shorts down half way down my ass. Guess he wanted me to moon the crowd rather than show them my barefeet. TSA and any kind of logic is done gone.

  5. Lazlo avoids flying.
    Why expose myself to all those germs?
    In crowds, control of your own destiny goes way down.
    When they announce that the new Director of the TSA is an Israeli, and that the TSA will now adopt Israeli tactics; I will reconsider

  6. Interesting to note that, due to Muslims commandeering airplanes and flying them into buildings, we began the long slog towards making air transportation safer via security checkpoints, only to then have the practitioners of the religion of peace so called (who initiated this whole ordeal in the first place!) just waltz on through. WTH?!

  7. Isn’t it fascinating that no one has provided the public with an explanation on how “box cutters” were smuggled onto the 9-11 planes. That was during the days of contract airport security–minimum wage workers entrusted with processing the traveling public through the concourse checkpoints. The answer is Muslim women wearing a headscarf as the x-ray screener allowed the weapons through the x-ray machine. That her buddies looked for the screener with the headscarf and put their bags on the conveyor for her to screen. She knew what to look for and ensured they passed through to the “sterile area.” Also, once the aircraft took off, those screeners left their positions; never to return and the FBI couldn’t find them. That was the main reason to federalize the airport screening process. Muslim men and women applied for and took those contract screener jobs, going all the way back to 1994, weren’t “eligible” to get on as a TSA agent because the TSA actually did a background investigation, unlike the contracted security firm.

  8. I used to love planes, airports and flying. Hell, when I was in college (mid-80’s) I took plenty of girls to the airport and made out on a blanket at the very end of the runway as jets took off. It was great.
    Now I have only one business flight a year and start dreading next years trip even before I finish this years trip. I hate the thought of fatass federal bluebellies pawing though my stuff.

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