New Billboard in Hollywood: “On Behalf of all Men, I Apologize” – IOTW Report

New Billboard in Hollywood: “On Behalf of all Men, I Apologize”

A billboard has appeared in Hollywood, reading simply, “ON BEHALF OF ALL MEN, I APOLOGIZE.”

The sign, which gives no more apparent details on why exactly it exists, was spotted by Twitter users.

You can see the sign below:
On behalf of all men
Here is another angle of (apparently) the same sign:
On behalf

29 Comments on New Billboard in Hollywood: “On Behalf of all Men, I Apologize”

  1. Sign posted by skinny jean wearing, purse carrying, nail salon visiting, make up wearing freak with a penis. Whiny, tiny wimps…. and a female primal scream thrown in for good measure.
    WTF are ‘men’ emasculating themselves now? Stop it!

  2. It’s from the wife of Adam from the Garden of Eden.

    Which, incidentally reminds me of a thought I had last night (BFH, pay attention for a pictorial suggestion alert):

    Trusting Hillary with the United States of America would be like trusting Eve with the Apple in the Garden of Eden.

  3. I saw this sign last night upon returning to the location where I was drugged and raped across the street. It has a special meaning for me. Thank you kind stranger, whoever you are.

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. American Irony | I don’t think this entire group accepts this bozo who authored this billboard speaking for them…
  2. I don’t think this entire group accepts this bozo who authored this billboard speaking for them… | Western Free Press

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