Gitmo: Female military guards barred from transporting Muslim terrorists – IOTW Report

Gitmo: Female military guards barred from transporting Muslim terrorists

gitmo terrorists

Female soldiers serving at Guantanamo Bay are not being allowed to transport inmates after complaints that it was an insult to the terror suspects’ Islamic faith, Republican senators revealed Tuesday, calling the move an insult to women. [Creeping Sharia]


12 Comments on Gitmo: Female military guards barred from transporting Muslim terrorists

  1. “Female soldiers serving at Guantanamo Bay are not being allowed to transport inmates after complaints that it was an insult to the terror suspects’ Islamic faith, Republican senators revealed Tuesday, calling the move an insult to women. ”

    HOWEVER, of the two dozen candidates for President in 2016, which ONE candidate could you imagine would say “who cares if a terrorist detaining in Guantanamo Bay is ‘insulted’. My support lies with American soldiers. Do we love our solders, women or men, or don’t we?”

    If you read that, and heard Trump’s voice in your head, good on ya.

  2. I don’t have a problem with that decision. If you’re in a federal prison female guards can and do escort male prisoners because even though a few are flat out crazy they know if they assault one their privileges will be suspended and they’ll be in solitary for a very long time. They are rational enough to realize this and adjust their actions accordingly. In the case of Gitmo these prisoners don’t give two sh*ts about privileges and are convinced they’ll die a martyr and that God is on their side. If they died taking an infidel woman with them then they’ll be happy. Screw it, keep the soldiers safe and use male escorts, preferably with dogs especially big, black ones as the Koran has a very special place of hate for them.

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