Spike Lee predicts sex strikes on college campuses – IOTW Report

Spike Lee predicts sex strikes on college campuses

CampusReform: Spike Lee is humbly predicting that his new movie will inspire a new wave of campus protests next semester in which students will withhold consensual sex as a way to combat sexual assault.

college motivation

“I think that a sex strike could really work on college campuses where there’s an abundance of sexual harassments and date rapes,” the director remarked last week during an interview on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote his new movie, Chiraq. read more

29 Comments on Spike Lee predicts sex strikes on college campuses

  1. You get the impression that the universities in America are overrun by Neanderthal males whose only purpose in life to rape, pillage and drink from a keg while upside down. I’ll bet cash money that if Token’s er, that is to say Spike’s prediction comes true you wouldn’t hear a peep coming from the men, the statistics wouldn’t change (except they might be doctored up some more so males need to keep very aware of their surroundings and away from the libtard women) and the first ones to break will be the womyn staging the strike in the first place.

  2. This will never happen because this actually involves these conceited,ego maniacs to make some personal sacrifice. It’s fun to skip class & act self righteous,but it doesn’t actually have any impact on their lives. This would have a direct impact & might not be fun,so not a chance these self important,oh so special snowflakes would ever do it.

  3. I remember when being “raised right” meant that you didn’t have sex, or children for that matter, before marriage.

    We tolerated people “shacking up”, and now look where we are.

  4. You mean the universities in America are NOT overrun by Neanderthal males whose only purpose in life is to rape, pillage, and drink from a keg while upside down?! Damn! Things sure have changed since I was in school…

    ; D

  5. Hey Spike or dipshit or whatever it is: How is this not micro-aggressing against that population of coeds, and it was a particularly large subset of coeds in general, whose entire self esteem is wrapped up in whether or not they got their pussy stretched by some stranger on Friday and or Saturday night?

    This could have repercussions that leave these tramps scarred for life dontcha’ know.

  6. My live-in GF implemented this policy almost 12 years ago. We now live in a perpetual stalemate, like the two Koreas. I can take it if she can.
    Actually, kind of liberating, taking the nuclear option of the table.

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