Admins make six-figure salaries in Syracuse, NY school district with 55% grad rate – IOTW Report

Admins make six-figure salaries in Syracuse, NY school district with 55% grad rate

EAG: SYRACUSE, N.Y. – To look at the top salaries in the Syracuse school district, one might assume that the vast majority of students are receiving a pretty good education.

Money Flows Down Toilet

But that’s clearly not the case.

A document posted by the district says “The New York State Department of Education has identified (Syracuse City School District) as a Focus district, which means that student performance is among the worst of all districts in the state. Of the district’s 30 schools, 19 have been identified as Priority Schools.”

Priority Schools are among the lowest performing five percent in the state.

The graduation rate in the district is also nothing to write home about.

As of August 2014 the four-year graduation rate in the district was 55.7 percent, compared to a statewide average of 79.1 percent.  read more

9 Comments on Admins make six-figure salaries in Syracuse, NY school district with 55% grad rate

  1. Almost every administrator in the school district I’m in have 6 figure salaries. Add in free health care and other benefits and they are astronomical. Fortunately we do have a decent graduation rate. One thing for sure, throwing money at ta problem is not the answer.

  2. And one of the members of the school board is a member of the Nation of Islam.

    Our mayor is one of the idiots who begged Obama to settle Syrian refugees here in our city.

    The SCSD also implemented the “don’t suspend or expel black students who disrupt the classroom” non-disciplinary guidelines cooked up in the fevered mind of Eric Holder and Arnie Duncan.

    My property tax dollars at work.

    Welcome to Syracuse!!!!

  3. And not to forget, teachers and school administrators molest their children at a rate far more astronomical (for students in Syracuse that means “larger”) than priests.

    So we’re paying for these useless scum to screw up our children’s education and…to literally screw them, too.

    Ain’t socialism wonderful?

  4. The Dept/Education is nothing more then a slush fund distributing cash to coerce school districts to comply with the latest idiocy that the NEA wants. We could eliminate it tomorrow and never notice it was gone.

    It’s an evil alliance that hard destroyed our K-12 education system, enriched 10s of 1,000s of idiot administrators & union thugs and funnels millions upon millions of dollars into union coffers that they use to elect even more REgressives.

    You want change? Vouchers.

  5. It is well to keep in mind that Public Education has NOTHING to do with education, and EVERYTHING to do with robbing the taxpayers to fund the unions and socialist maggotry. Children are shunted from school to school so that the parents never feel like that one school is the absolute pit. And the kid is only in school a total of 12 years or so, and that’s among 3 or 4 different schools. The parents never have an incentive to really waste a lot of emotional capital wrestling with the system, so the unions and the socialist maggots pretty much have a free hand.

    That’s why the public school system has been in the toilet for 100 yrs. or so.

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