Obama has the whole Country Swearing – IOTW Report

Obama has the whole Country Swearing

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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20 Comments on Obama has the whole Country Swearing

  1. I guess Imam Obama is going to take a break trom telling us what is un-islamic, and pivot to telling us that swearing is not who we are. Or maybe he’ll just have AG Lynch prosecute us for hate speech.

  2. Wyatt, You haven’t listened to the average conversation between college students. It’s one of the things that make them so dumb. They can’t get more than three or four words out without resorting to profane “filler.” Unlike the well-placed cuss word, it’s just part of their verbal tics. They will be amazed when the light bulb goes on (if it does) and they realize even those kinds of words have great meaning.

  3. Rumor has it that she and Col. Ralph Peters (who called obama A PUSSY) both got a two week suspension from FOX News.
    I haven’t verified this yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

  4. Stacey Dash has always been a Conservative.

    But it’s going to take Orca Winfrey denouncing our Kenyan Communist Moslem POTUS before the LowFo’s out there will sit up and listen.

  5. Stacey Dash is potty mouth patriot perfect and pretty in pink. Her analysis is great. At this point the grotesque situations brought on by the Commie in Chief is profane. She said exactly what conservatives are thinking. Bravo!

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. American Irony | Stacy Dash looks too sweet to drop an S-bomb on TV…must be Obama’s fault
  2. Stacy Dash looks too sweet to drop an S-bomb on TV…must be Obama’s fault | Western Free Press

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