Northern Italy Bans Burqas – IOTW Report

Northern Italy Bans Burqas


Downtrend: On this 12th day of December in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Fifteen, when village idiots in Paris are adopting voluntary cuts to carbon emissions based on the dubious notion that humans are screwing up the planet, it’s nice to see that somewhere in the world common sense prevails.

That would be northern Italian region of Lombardy.

Why? Because the good Catholics in that area have just passed a regulation prohibiting anyone wearing face-covering garments, such as a burqa or a niqab, from entering public buildings and hospitals.

The new regulation was announced by Lombardy Governor Roberto Maroni (that would be a cool name for an Italian restaurant in the United States, by the way). It was prompted by the November 13 Paris attacks carried out by jihadi terrorists (or, as President Obama calls them, “widows and orphans”).


16 Comments on Northern Italy Bans Burqas

  1. The burqua is the modern-day equivalent of the old Chinese practice of foot binding. I mean, imagine the uproar if Chinese immigrants bound their daughters’ feet, yet Muzzies put their women in burquas, plus they mutilate their genitals, tolerate pedophilia and nobody on the left says a word.

    What’s it like to hate western civilization, which has liberated more people from poverty and ignorance than anything in history, to such an degree, that you’re willing to allow antithetical elements to come in and destroy it?

    Liberalism and Progressiveness are truly, truly mental disorders.

  2. Jiminy Crickets! The country with 42 separate phrases for “I surrender” has more cojones than America?

    Good on ya, Italy! Beautiful country … maybe they think it’s worth saving … and maybe America will wake up, too!

  3. The trouble is that Mr. Maroni, described as a “right-winger,” is already facing criticism from the bleeding heart left. Milan and Verona are beautiful cities. I hope Mr. Maroni’s good sense prevails. We’ll see what happens on January 1st.

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