Jihadi Bride Passed 3 Visa Background Checks Despite Online Posts About Violent Jihad – IOTW Report

Jihadi Bride Passed 3 Visa Background Checks Despite Online Posts About Violent Jihad

Daily Caller:

Tashfeen Malik, the Pakistani woman who killed 14 people with her husband in San Bernardino earlier this month, openly advocated violent jihad on her social media accounts before coming to the U.S., but government officials approved her fiancee visa anyway, The New York Times reports.

ABC photo of  tashfeen malik
ABC photo of tashfeen malik

Law enforcement officials discovered the posts, according to The Times. Had authorities found the messages when Malik applied last year for a K-1 fiancee visa to come to the U.S. with her husband, Syed Farook, she likely would not have been approved for entry. But, as The Times notes, immigration officials rarely check applicants’ social media posts for red flags. And female applicants are generally subject to less scrutiny than male applicants.


17 Comments on Jihadi Bride Passed 3 Visa Background Checks Despite Online Posts About Violent Jihad

  1. The problem with a “background check” is if you are from a goat-yard village in Dogdickistan, you ain’t going to have anything in a database that checkers can check.

    Yet Dim-O-cRats® demand expanded background checks on Americans legally buying weapons!!!

  2. Let’s pause with immigration for a while until our representatives get a handle on it. That’s basically what Donald Trump said.
    Only an absolute moron would disagree. But then again look at our representatives?

  3. Obola so intensely hates America that he is actively supporting ISIS and the rising Caliphate and has no intention of vetting anyone who is willing to come here and murder Americans – be they savage jihadis or infectiously diseased mexicans.

  4. Inquiring minds want to know: is that a tick on the end of her nose or a fly like on Obongo’s lip?
    If no one claims her refrigerator temp body by the end of the week, we should pitch in to buy some bacon to wrap her in and bury her–allah’s snackbar, y’all.
    (She’s possibly the only thing that can’t be made better with bacon)

  5. Yes Obama is destroying America and don’t forget he’s releasing felons! Where do they recruit Muslims terriosts but prison as well as social. I only hope this pos burns in he’ll after a slow painful death. And I HATE thinking that way about anybody. But I have had it. Tried of being nice and forgiving.

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