Hillary Clinton’s Health Problems Are An Issue – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s Health Problems Are An Issue


To this day, Hillary still suffers from many of the troubling symptoms that I wrote about in Unlikeable: blinding headaches, exhaustion, insomnia, and a tremor in her hands. As a precaution against the spectacle of fainting in public, which could easily doom her candidacy, Hillary now travels with a personal physician on all her major campaign trips.  

– Read more @ Edward Klein.

32 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s Health Problems Are An Issue

  1. I have said for a long time that I think Killary’s health will ultimately prevent her from becoming president if not for other reasons. The question is whether she’ll have an episode right in the middle of spring when her nomination seems inevitable, and how the DNC will respond. Boy would that be entertaining.

  2. Wouldn’t there be some questions raised about the mental health of someone who continues in a career they know is making them increasingly sick — to the point of needing a personal doc on the road with them? Not good.

  3. O.K.
    Just a little pin prick
    There’ll be no more annoying conscience popping up about about your lies or Benghazi, or e-mails, or astounding hubris!
    But you may feel a little sick

    Can you stand up?
    I do believe it’s working, good
    That’ll keep you going through this farce of a primary
    Come on, it’s time to go.

  4. Now i see why her minions pushed back so hard on the “Hillary uses a walker” joke. It wasn’t a joke at all.

    Watch her VP pick closely. We could end up with a President Castro by the 2018 midterms if she manages to buy the WH.

  5. We’ve been on many cruises with physcians on board to treat sick people on board. Despite that people die onboard. In some cases they have no idea what’s wrong with the patient. Having a private physician traveling with her only guarantees her drugs like oxytocin.

  6. Raising my coffee mug of jug wine in the hopes of an infarc, a stroke, a thrombosis, an embolism, cascading TIA’s, a debilitating stroke, an aneurysm, a subcranial hematoma, sudden liver failure, a lethal stroke (did I already say ‘stroke’?).

    This twat waffle makes President Snow look like Captain Kangaroo.

  7. I guess technically she has up until the DNC convention to keel over. I mean, even if all the primaries go for Hillary the convention can choose someone else if she’s out of commission.

    That may create an internal revolution and possibly a Bernie independent run, causing serious damage to the dem party.

    Which would be great.

    Unfortunately there is such a huge groundswell for Trump, even more fervent support than for Bernie, there is even more tension in the Republican party.

    Both sides need to be very careful, the nation is as strained and fragmented as the San Andreas fault line.

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