FIRST PHOTOS: Dungeons Islamic State Uses for Sex Slaves – IOTW Report

FIRST PHOTOS: Dungeons Islamic State Uses for Sex Slaves

Muslims justified raping the sex slaves “because the action would make her Muslim.”

islam sex slaves

Pamela Geller: “They took young girls, seven, nine and 10 years old,” like their prophet Muhammad and his favorite wife, the six-year-old Aisha.

islam rape culture

You’ll note that Obama never speaks of these victims of unspeakable crimes. He never speaks of the Quranic texts and teachings that grants sex slavery  under Islamic law (sharia).

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20 Comments on FIRST PHOTOS: Dungeons Islamic State Uses for Sex Slaves

  1. I patiently wait for moderate muslims to speak out against this unacceptable crime against Inalienable Human Rights.

    I am also still waiting for Obola to be impeached. Maybe in his third term as POSUS.

  2. how come the msm, which daily screams that slavery in the usa was it’s original sin even after it was abolished less than a 100 years after the union was formed at great expense and life, does not talk about this middle eastern muslim “sex slavery”?

    f the msm!

  3. You’d think Baba Wawa, Whoopedy, or even George Straponapoulaki would have SOMETHING to say about this !

    Maybe they could ask Kaitlin Jenner if she’d like to go on a ‘friendship tour’ of the Middle East ?

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