Rubio, Cruz Spar Over Immigration – IOTW Report

Rubio, Cruz Spar Over Immigration

Cruz Says ‘I Do Not Intend to Support Legalization’

cruz rubio debate dec 15 2015

Breitbart: After Rubio talked about his plan, Cruz was asked about prior charges Rubio had made that the two aren’t very different on immigration, he responded, “there was a battle over amnesty, and some chose, like Senator Rubio, to stand with Barack Obama and [Sen.] Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and support a massive amnesty plan.


marco rubio and gang

Others chose to stand with [Sen.] Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and [Rep.] Rep. Steve King (R-IA), and the American people, and secure the border. And let me mention, this issue is actually directly connected to what we’ve been talking about, because the front line with ISIS isn’t just in Iraq and Syria, it’s also in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande. Border security is national security. And you know, one of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight bill was that it gave President Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees, without mandating any background checks whatsoever.”  read more

19 Comments on Rubio, Cruz Spar Over Immigration

  1. Rubio is Bush 3.0

    Rather than distance himself from George W. Bush’s approach to policy, Rubio appears to have adopted it. On the foreign policy front, Rubio represents the neo-conservative wing of the party, even backing NSA surveillance. On domestic policy, his support for comprehensive immigration reform mirrors Bush, and he embraces the “reform conservatism” agenda — whose leading figures also crafted George W.’s “compassionate conservatism.”


  2. No one even comes close to Ted Cruz’s ability to put Obama’s evil genie back in the bottle. He’s the complete package. He understands the law, Congress and its politics. He loves our Constitution and our country with a passion. His sincerity, integrity and eloquence speak for themselves. He’s not afraid to butt heads with his own party. And he has a brilliant mind and a superb intellect that he will bring to bear on Day One of his presidency to heel the deep wounds Obama has inflicted on us at home and abroad. If you want someone who can get us on track again, why settle for second best when we can have an American leader who’s the genuine article? Let’s grab the brass ring while it’s still in reach. A man like Ted Cruz doesn’t come along everyday.

    Ted Cruz…

  3. Cruz Says ‘I Do Not Intend to Support Legalization’…translation, “I did not think anyone would notice my political maneuvers via cloture and roll-call votes and realize that in fact I DID support legalization.” This is called the ole’ Potomac Two Step, where these rats us parliamentary procedure to hide their real intentions.

    He did the same thing supporting the Trans Pacific Trade Deal, read more here:

    It’s either that or an admission of being utterly and completely inept! Do you really want someone who’s that easy to play in the White House…AGAIN?

    And what about his statement that the U.S. needs to issue an additional 500,000 H-1B visa’s because we can’t find enough well educated tech workers? “Rubio, speaking in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Thursday, noted Cruz’s support for H-1B visas…”

    Rubio went on to add, “Ted is a supporter of legalizing people that are in this country illegally,” Rubio said. “In fact, when the Senate bill was proposed he proposed legalizing people that were here illegally — he proposed giving them work permits. He’s also supported a massive expansion of the green cards. He’s supported a massive expansion of the H-1B program – a 500% increase.”

    Today, almost half of those graduating in the United States in the STEM fields are unable to find work in their degrees, I know because I just finished two degrees in IT, and the job market is a joke. And no, I’m not looking for an $8:00/Hr., part-time gig with no benefits after busting my ass and graduating Summa Cum Laude, Phi Theta Kappa!!!

    And then there’s Cruz’s’ denial about the comments he made at a private fundraiser concerning Trump, Carson and the future path of his campaign…unfortunately for him I LISTENED to the whole thing! So can you:

    I’ll admit he’s a better choice than that she-bat in a pantsuit, but not by that much.

  4. It sure gets tiring reading false information from sundance Zombies!



    That’s all the research I’m doing for you although I know anyone who is a sundance groupie won’t go by any other information than what they are fed at the conservative nuthouse!

  5. Yeah, people who can’t refute FACTS, always resort to propaganda and name calling. Heah, your 2 for 2, way to go!

    Sadly, your first link doesn’t work, but I can tell from the URL that it’s Cruz’s lame attempt to claim he only proposed what he did to “expose” the bad guys. Kinda like getting caught red handed and then claiming you were just trying to set up a sting on your accomplices. Sorry, not buyin it!

    Your second link is to a known leftist propaganda site; what you couldn’t find anything on Vox, The Atlantic, or The Huffington Post? It tries and fails at psy-ops, by offering an apology for Cruz’s pro-amnesty, pro-visa increase by pointing to his laughably ridiculous suggestion that all H-1B visa workers should be paid $110,000 per year. In layman’s terms this is called trying to cover your ass after the fact; and doing it quite badly I must say.

    But you still haven’t addressed the FACT that Cruz did vote FOR amnesty, and the TPP, in both the unanimous consent and cloture procedures, the so-called roll-call votes. And not to put too fine a point on it, but those ARE the ones that really counted! Bureaucrats do this so they can later pretend to vote against something, knowing full well it’s going to pass anyway.

    So just for fun, lets talk about Cruz’s father’s comments about his son being, “anointed to take control of society” shall we? Or how about his close affiliation with Glenn Beck? At least until Beck outlives his usefulness.

    Or the FACT that the link I provided will allow anyone to HEAR Cruz speaking in his own words, no zombies or boogie men, or any other fake-believe involved! Or how about Cruz being in cahoots with Zuckerberg using unethical data mining techniques and psychographic profiles to learn how to manipulate the populace? I can keep going, but what’s the point?

    The majority of Cruz supporters seem to have an irrational aversion to thoroughly vetting their candidate because they really want to believe in something. Fair enough.

    But I GUARANTEE you Hillary Clinton and her cohorts do not share that fear. They will take full and even unfair advantage of every bit of it when it’s far too late to do anything about it! AND THEN WE ALL LOOSE!!!

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