Levin Hammers ‘Hypocrite’ Krauthammer, ‘Obsessive’ Hume for Attacks on Cruz and Trump – IOTW Report

Levin Hammers ‘Hypocrite’ Krauthammer, ‘Obsessive’ Hume for Attacks on Cruz and Trump

Breitbart: Wednesday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Mark Levin took aim at a pair of talking heads that appear regularly on the Fox News Channel.

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Levin first singled out Washington Post columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer for criticizing Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for switching his positions. Levin pointed out that Krauthammer was a speechwriter for former Vice President Walter Mondale, who ran against Ronald Reagan as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee in 1980 and as the Democratic presidential nominee in 1984.

“I’ll tell you something else – I’m sick and tired of his intelligence being questioned by the stupidos on cable TV,” Levin said. “He’s an incredibly brilliant man, as are many of the people on that stage – incredibly. We got to sit here and listen to former Mondale staffers – a Mondale staffer says, ‘Well, he changes his view —’”

“Here’s a guy – our friend Charles – who worked for Walter Mondale when Ronald Reagan was president, who supported Carter and Mondale against Reagan and Reagan,” he continued. “And he changed his view but apparently only he can change his view. And now he’s Mr. Conservative. OK, fine, fine – but you are a bit of a hypocrite.”

Later in the segment Levin took aim at Fox News Channel senior political analyst Brit Hume, who he argued had an “obsessive hate” for

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), also a candidate for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.  MORE

9 Comments on Levin Hammers ‘Hypocrite’ Krauthammer, ‘Obsessive’ Hume for Attacks on Cruz and Trump

  1. Hume did the same thing to Gingrich in ’12.

    I began noticing that Hume’s comments about Gingrich seemed so personal that it prompted me to to a little digging around to see what may be the cause of them.

    My interest was really piqued after Hume admonished talking heads on another network to be careful of using their celebrity and the trust viewers put in them to report “fairly” and objectively about the candidates. He sounded very senior statesman and Walter Cronkite about the whole thing.

    It only took one search to understand the very personal connection between Hume and Gingrich. Hume believed Gingrich was personally responsible for his son, Sandy’s, suicide. Hume believed that Gingrich was the one who outed Sandy’s homosexuality in 1997, following a big story the rookie journalist did about overthrowing Speaker Gingrich by Paxon and Armey. Many here will know the details of that better than I.

    Between Gingrich’s huge SC win and leading into the FL primary, where he was expected to have another gain, Hume stepped up his attacks, even working them into stories that had nothing to do with Gingrich.

    I wish I still had the email I sent Hume/Fox. It was a sincere reminder that news reporters not use their celebrity and trust to sway voters opinions. I also pointed out that if I, an average viewer, could detect a lot more in Hume’s criticisms of Gingrich, there were undoubtedly many more who understood the reason for them. I asked that he either make full disclosure of his personal ties Gingrich or recuse himself from commenting on him.

    Soon after, but too late for Gingrich to recover, Hume’s commentary was nearly void of any reference to Gingrich. I won’t imagine I had anything to do with that because I’m sure there were many others who voiced the same concerns about Brit Hume.

    I’ve never trusted him since.

  2. Mark Levin is gonna be gone for 2 weeks after this Friday and I’m going thru withdrawal symptoms already. I have a steady diet of Mark Levin.

    As for Brit Hume, never have liked him. He needs to learn to speak and not stutter all over the place, being a journalist and all.

  3. Mark Levin is an incredibly smart man, but that being said…. Mark can be a little slow on the uptake when it comes to discerning a man’s character. Once he gets it, he gets it, but I have seen him dry shaved by some transparently obvious GOPe four-flushers over the years.

    I download his show and listen to it on the way to work every weekday morning.

  4. Yup. It reminded me not to get too complacent when a tee vee personality — news or otherwise — starts in on a candidate, to check and see where there might be a history. You know, some of these old-timer talking heads have been around so long there is a great possibility they have had a run-in of some sort with pols seeking higher office and now they have the platform to sway voters.

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