Paul Ryan Builds Border Fence Around His Mansion, Doesn’t Fund Border Fence in Omnibus – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Builds Border Fence Around His Mansion, Doesn’t Fund Border Fence in Omnibus

paul ryan mansion fence

BigGovernment: A recent Breitbart News investigation reveals thatRep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) , who has a two-decade-long history of promoting open borders immigration policies, seems to support border fences for himself, even as he denies the American people those same protections.

While Paul Ryan’s omnibus spending bill does not provide funding for the mandatory completion of a 700-mile double-layer border fence that Congress promised the American people nearly a decade ago when it passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act, Paul Ryan has constructed a fence around his property.  READ MORE

13 Comments on Paul Ryan Builds Border Fence Around His Mansion, Doesn’t Fund Border Fence in Omnibus

  1. I’m glad Obama won in 2012. If Romney/Ryan made it to the white house we’d have legal amnesty that would be impossible to undo. At least President Trump can just start enforcing the existing law.

  2. So a narcissistic cabal of closeted gay men are destroying our freedom, our republic and our children’s future. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell ( was thrown out of military because he was having gay sex supposedly) Lindsay Graham, POTUS, Stephanopolous,Rove the list is endless–we are back in Roman times where perversion, decadence and complete breakdown of traditional family rules the day. Soon to be inundated with hordes of unskilled, uneducated,un-American, disease ridden foreign parasites. We need to pray.

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