Where Christ Drove Demons into Sea: Archaeological Evidence Uncovered – IOTW Report

Where Christ Drove Demons into Sea: Archaeological Evidence Uncovered

casting out of demons into a herd of swine in the land of the Gadarenes

BigGovernment: Israeli archaeologists have unearthed a 1,500-year-old marble slab with Hebrew inscriptions near Kursi, the spot traditionally associated with the miracle of Christ’s banishment of demons into a herd of swine.

Archeologists believe the slab to be a commemoration tablet dating from around 500 AD. The inscription in Hebrew begins with the words “Remembered for good.”

The biblical description of the miracle is one of the most evocative in the entire Gospel. Recounted by Matthew, Mark, and Luke with different nuances, the Gospels depict Jesus in one of His most direct confrontations with Satan.  more here

12 Comments on Where Christ Drove Demons into Sea: Archaeological Evidence Uncovered

  1. My empirical OCD is chewing at me with this press release.

    How is an inscribed stone, placed 500 years, five centuries after the an event it was to commemorate, “Archaeological Evidence” of anything other than when the stone was inscribed & set?

    “The more archaeology uncovers,” Ray said, “the more the Bible is confirmed.”

    Seriously, Ray? What, exactly, precisely, does this stone “confirm?”

    Guess I’m just a Doubting Empirical Thomas.

  2. The original Breitbart article says, “The discovery is the first piece of evidence confirming the existence of a Jewish or early Christian community in Kursi”. So you’re right – other than that, it confirms nothing; certainly not any Biblical events.

  3. I would call it supporting evidence, not conclusive. There are tons of Bible-supporting archaeological evidence.

    Alternatively, there isn’t any archaeological evidence the Bible isn’t true that I’m aware of.

  4. I wasn’t arguing Bible faith. I was arguing the exaggerated extrapolation of an archaeological find – purposely misinterpreting the find in such a way that it introduces one’s own wishes, contrary to the evidence.

    The same way I’d argue against the unsupported claims and shoddy “science” of “climate change” zealots.

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