Here’s What A Liberal ‘Gun-Grab’ Would Look Like And Why It Would Ultimately Fail – IOTW Report

Here’s What A Liberal ‘Gun-Grab’ Would Look Like And Why It Would Ultimately Fail

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IJR: So, how do liberals get their wish for a disarmed, subservient population? Because all this talk of gun banning – and now they are finally admitting that they want to take our guns – raises some practical questions. Not least among them is how you get a hundred million-plus armed citizens to cheerfully turn over their firearms at the behest of a bunch of liberals who have nothing but contempt for normal Americans.

Let’s not focus on the political blowback – the massive mobilization of voters who suddenly take an interest in politics because their guns are threatened and vote in pro-freedom candidates. That’s already happening – the ranks of the NRA are swelling and there were 20 people waiting for the doors to open last weekend at a local Los Angeles gun shop.  read more

19 Comments on Here’s What A Liberal ‘Gun-Grab’ Would Look Like And Why It Would Ultimately Fail

  1. Gee Wally, isn’t it funny how the Left never talks about the en masse-shootings that happen in every major inner-city every weekend?
    2,887 shooting victims in Chicago ALONE just this year (and it ain’t over yet), let alone the entire country and not one NRA member in the bunch!
    How so we know that?
    Because if there was we’d be hearing about it with wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage on the Alphabet propaganda channels!

  2. Read the article the other day. It’s good, up until the last 2 big paragraphs…he does not acknowledge the Left’s trump card on this issue: foreign troops. Tell me they wouldn’t play it if they finally had a shot at the ultimate Winner Takes All. You know they would.

  3. If a suitcase atomic bomb went off in Phoenix Arizona, detonated by an ISIS operative pretending to be a Syrian refugee who made extensive videos outlining how he got into the country and how he obtained the nuke etc., President Shit-for-Brains would want to write an executive order outlawing heating any homes with wood this winter, because all the fires started by the nuke have inflated our carbon footprint.
    On the gun thing. They will need the Army, because the local jurisdictions will not comply in rural areas (ie most of the country)
    I imagine surprise checkpoints on city arteries stopping folks with trumped up traffic charges using red light camera data so to get out of jail your family endures a search and seizure of your guns.
    Then you get off easy, only your dog was shot and you family terrorized and your house trashed and your property stolen during the raid, and you only have to pay a fine, and be audited for the next ten years.
    But then you can breathe the free air of Compliance, and feel clean again.

  4. A paragraph from the Washington Post reads: “There are strong arguments against setting a gun-free society as the goal, but there are 100,000 arguments in favor — that’s how many of us get shot every year. Every year 11,000 Americans are murdered. Every year some 20,000 kill themselves with guns.”

    First of all the math doesn’t add up (not surprising). But using the same argument I can think of over 100 million reasons NOT to ban guns. That’s the number of UNARMED people SOCIALIST governments have killed – – and those were THEIR OWN CITIZENS. Why would we expect different treatment from our SOCIALIST government. Why don’t I hear pro second amendment pundits using this argument? It should be at the forefront and rammed down the throat of any liberal who wants to ban guns.

  5. I survived a partial program of NPR today. Talking about Chinas’ embracement of the communist cause and propaganda machines in the late 80’s, as if it were the highest desirable order.
    But, they refuse to accept our republic. And we refuse to accept their idea of a pure democracy.
    So it looks like we’re going to have a conflict.

  6. They will engineer an event, or stage one, or just make use of one that occurs randomly, or in concert with others, that they can exploit to disingenuously propagandize such that is appears “patriotic” to open yourself to abuse and oppression.

  7. Hillary can use the Government and its followers to ruin your life with no face to blame, no identity to confront …Child Services takes your kids while you are at work to keep them ‘safe’, you are fined for non compliance and a lien is put upon your house and car, the IRS joins in and the SIEU and BLM begin character assassination on Social Media which is broadcast by the local media. Your employer cannot keep you because he is losing business for employing a ‘Terrorist ‘ and Obamacare drops you. The mob outside ,,paid in part by your taxes, calls obscenities at you and as you look out the window of your soon to be auctioned house, you see your children in the mob, re educated now and calling for the death penalty for breaking the law. The forces of your destruction are never named and only innocent bystanders present a target for your frustrated wrath..You are one of the 70 rolling attacks to set an example of what happens to gun holders, enough for an instructive moment but not enough to start rebellion…so no one cares, and suddenly, life yawns ahead of you like a great black chasm until too weak at heart, you use a gun upon yourself and the Server in the bathroom notes one more for the Beast in the white house..

  8. Even if they confiscated every firearm, 100% of them, across the entire world, it would only last a few hours unless they also confiscated every lathe, mill, anvil, hammer, file, saw …….
    Actually the only successful method would be to kill everyone with knowledge of how a firearm works, and then remove the hands of everybody else.
    I can make a shotgun out of scrap pipe and scrap metal using just a hacksaw in about 15 minutes.
    Making black powder only requires access to urine or manure, wood, and Sulphur.

  9. I know of over 320 million reasons a gun-free utopia will never come to be. 😉

    …….and that’s the KNOWN reasons; I’m not including the UNKNOWN 80% originated reasons. 😉

  10. Fact is, it can’t happen unless they kill us all first. And the odds of that happening are strongly against the tyrant wannabes. They aren’t man enough to go to the places they would have to go to in order to not be found and beaten to a stinking pulp.

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