The Kwanzaa Scam – IOTW Report

The Kwanzaa Scam

Publius‘Forum: Every year I post a piece about the shocking truth about Kwanzaa- That it is a racist holiday created by a rapist and torturer who poses as a “professor.” This year will be no exception.

kwanzaa fraud

Kwanzaa, the purported “African” holiday celebrated only in the United States, is the ultimate politically correct holiday. It is little observed, even by our own African American community, of course, but those that do celebrate it are wholly unaware that this faux holiday was created in 1965 by a man with a very troubled past.

Maulana Karenga

For Kwanzaa’s creator, Maulana Karenga, has a violent, racist criminal record, and is even a rapist who was convicted of torturing his victims.  more here

16 Comments on The Kwanzaa Scam

  1. Anything to bring down traditional American white values. Even making up bullshit holidays. Like Christmas for heaven’s sake, isn’t good enough.

    The only people that believe this shit are people that were never going to be on our team anyway-so fuck ’em.

  2. Pretty typical inferiority wanna-be bullshit.

    Prestor John hated God so he invented Allah.
    Flying negroes built the Pyramids.
    moslems invented space travel.
    “Theirs goes to 10 – ours goes to 11.”
    Can’t be Preznit, so scam on Globaloney Warming.

    Yada … yada … yada …

  3. What kills me is that schools — private and public — towing the “diversity” and “multi-culti” garbage, trot kwanza out every year as though it is one of the World Religions, on equal footing with Christianity — certainly as important as secular xmas trees and Santa Claus. I would bet money that at least some of the educators know kwanza is garbage but, being the progressive fools they are, push this nonsense in the name of “equality.”

    In the same vein, I saw a guy at a Democrat state convention in ’08, walking around in full Afri-regalia — sort of like Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd in the train scene of “Trading Places.” He even had one of those Australian rain sticks which he used as a walking stick. And he had a small retinue of true believers in his wake. So stupid. He probably worked at a Les Schwab in Spokane.

  4. Ask someone what kazwazna is. Not one person you know, including the black, has a clue. In South Jamaica, Queens, NY, a solid black ghetto, not one sign of it can be found.

  5. I knew it was a made up, wishful thinking holiday when I heard the ‘Practice personal responsibility’ line.
    Do they want people to cut the rent check early? Dust?
    Perhaps volunteering in a community garden. Or starting conversations about race and inequality.

  6. Funny thing….I saw the show “Everybody Hates Chris” today (the one loosely based on racist Chris Rock’s childhood) and they gave the real history of Kwanzaa and mocked it. It’s just another leftist tool to water down Christmas and Christianity.

  7. What really bugged the racist militants who originally invented this nonsense (and the despicable race baiters who perpetuate it) is the fact that blacks and whites both AGREED on Christmas. For all their phony ranting about equality and unity they cannot stand the fact that Christmas unites the races, so they needed an alternative to separate people.

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