AmericanThinker: Once again Saturday night Bernie Sanders was playing his part to enable Hillary Clinton to pretend to be a victim, a strategy that has worked for her in the past. The newest topic is that she was victimized by Bernie Sanders’ political campaign. Sanders used the debate on December 19 as an opportunity to apologize to her for alleged abuse of her voter information.
This is very suspicious, since Democrats never admit to anything. Before both of her Presidential campaigns, for many months Hillary wouldn’t even admit she was running for President. For Bernie Sanders to admit at a debate venue on national TV that his campaign was engaged in unethical campaign practices is out of step with the Democrats’ characteristic of never admitting to mistakes.
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And this is surprising to whom…?
All three Bernie supporters.
I was at a two-day conference at Princeton University a couple of months ago and trust me, the Bern was big there. It was like being in an alternate universe.
The Farce is strong with this one.
The old Mad Hatter in his dotage volunteered to take one for his fellow Marxist scum and push the dragon lady from hell as his final offering to his god Satan!
Of course it’s a farce/shit-show.
They are simply putting on a show.
Hillary has already won the nomination, and will pick Sanders as her VP in order to rally both sides of the base, and solidify the voter block.
Then begin strategy for mass voter fraud in key swing state districts like Ohio and Florida.
I’ve seen a few cars in our parking garage with vote for Bernie stickers. Good grief.
Advise them to rotate the air in their tires from Summer air to Winter air and that it’s a good time to change the turn signal fluid as well…