Political Correctness: Global Jihad’s Most Potent Weapon – IOTW Report

Political Correctness: Global Jihad’s Most Potent Weapon

PC speech

Independent Sentinel:

By any logical measure, since the catastrophic attack on 9/11 we’ve been engaged in a world war against the West, conducted by a Global Jihad Movement. For the first time since 1812, a war is being fought right on Main Street, America—through ISIS infiltration, radicalization of Muslims living in America and an unsuspected fifth column that operates freely. We recently saw 14 Americans shot down at the most ordinary of American events: a Christmas party. Apparently, the shooter was one of their coworkers, who had been radicalized for some time by a process that mystifies all but a handful of terror experts—who are largely ignored, as they are not PC.

Few non-military commentators—much less our commander in chief—show any awareness that we’re in a war, nor any knowledge of the enemy. Thus, this is a conflict unlike any in history. The reason for this phenomenal unpreparedness is that war has been declared on us by a significant segment of a religion. Because of that, the Left—and the enemy itself—have used Political Correctness to render Islam a forbidden topic of discussion, to veil the menace of jihad and to render our once-puissant intelligence community farcical.

PC therefore threatens the very survival of America.


21 Comments on Political Correctness: Global Jihad’s Most Potent Weapon

  1. Who is the least likely to wilt in the face of PC, that is running for President? Who refuses to play the left dominated media’s game? Who time after time, when he’s taking fire and demands are made for him to apologize, DOUBLES DOWN? Yeah.

    So tell me why you would consider voting for anyone but Trump?

    In the words of the great Mike Hendrix@ Cold Fury,

    “Of COURSE it’s “entirely fair game”–as is any other blob of mud you could dig up to throw at them. In a race against as sleazy and amoral a pair of political grifters as the Clintons, what couldn’t be? I don’t think even Ted Cruz, as feisty as he’s shown himself to be here and there, would be up to getting down into as deep as a gutter as the Clintons and the DNC will drag them.
    Which means his response to their inevitable attacks will be ineffectual. Trump, on the other hand, actually relishes down and dirty conflicts like this one is going to be. As the Krauthammers and Wills of the world squeeze their eyes tight shut in disgust and decry the sordidness of it all, Trump will be giving voice to all the things non-Progressives have been thinking all along. And those non-Progressives are going to stand up and cheer as he lands blow after blow on Billary’s glass jaw, no matter how many hopeful predictions Praetorian Media make about his latest salvo being the last straw that ends his campaign.
    Cruz can’t do it, and if he can’t, how could anybody possibly imagine that Rubio, ¡HEB!, or (pfft!) Carson would? Trump might admittedly be an imperfect vessel to put Constitutional conservative hopes in. But there’s little to no hope for Constitutional government at this point anyway. And it seems to me that what little hope there might be lies not in trusting another typical professional politician to take tiny nibbles out of the edges of the Leviathan edifice as and when the Left and its media assistants will allow it, but to go for their throats and confront the fascist reality behind the Progressivist promise full bore, with no holds barred.
    And it should go without saying that Trump is the guy for that. In a perfect world, maybe we’d have better options. This is not that world. The mere fact that some of our opinion leaders are pulling their chins and wringing their hands over whether simply telling the plain and well-known truth about two of the sleaziest, most dishonest, most nefarious political operators in history is “fair game,” in advance of an election campaign that will doubtless be one of the…umm, roughest since Lincoln’s first one, is proof enough of that.
    Look, I like Cruz. As Bill always says, I think he’ll make a great head for Trump’s Justice Department, or (even better) Supreme Court justice. He’s shown admirable spunk and pugnaciousness as a Senator. But he’s not a go-for-the-jugular guy, and he hasn’t really been able to sell the electorate on his fighting spirit and the philosophy behind it so far.
    I suppose in the end, it all comes down to how far gone you believe America to be, and how much faith you still have in righting things by conventional means; whether you support Trump or not seems to come down to that distinction, really. You guys all know by now that when it comes to faith in America righting and restoring itself without major upheaval, I have almost none at all. So yeah, I repeat: all in for Trump over here, and I can’t say I much give a damn about how many Democrat Socialist politicians he’s bought influence off of as a natural course of doing business in a government-centric economy, or which liberal positions he espoused twenty years (or two months, for that matter) ago.”

    Trump is willing to go toe to toe with the media and the Clintons-I believe you can bet your last donut that the man that has called for a halt to moslim immigration will not hesitate to call this a war with Islam. If not him, no one else for sure.

  2. “For the first time since 1812, a war is being fought right on Main Street, America—through ISIS infiltration, radicalization of Muslims living in America and an unsuspected fifth column that operates freely”. Left out a traitorous Administration, congress, media mavens and insanely rich plutocrats that not only allows for this
    but encourages and support it!

  3. MM, thank God for the interweb and sites like this that give an opportunity for us to hear observation and analysis like what you just gave. In reality, it would have been a 30 second response on a talking head show that would explode heads and then be followed with, Im certain, another devastating right hook to the jaw. But, we never, never, see that from the so called “professionas” like Krautsauer and Brittany Hume.

    There is a lot more talent, insight, exceptionalism, high level intellect, out here among the posters than most all of those buffoon experts. Keep it coming, one and all… they do not like the competition!

  4. Bravo, MM! I would give you ten thumbs up if I could.

    Much of what you say here should be bumped up and posted as a main column on this site for those who don’t always have time to read comments (or ignore them if they look too long).

  5. Very well stated. Those of you casually reading should forward honest, heartfelt comments like this to people you know that are undecided. If we wait for the perfect candidate, when He comes it will be judgement day. We are NOT alone, no matter what the lying media say and we outnumber the progtards because the lying media is complicit in the destruction. Fuck that and fuck politically correctness. Go along to get along is going to get a lot of people killed. People like yours and my friends, loved ones, and family. In this time, Trump is not a choice, he is the requirement.

  6. touché MM

    the founding fathers designed our govt, to be run by the citizens,
    not career political parasites and their pimps (I mean donors), to be whored out to the special interest lobby of their choice

  7. Good article; good comment by MM. Happy New Year to all here at IOTWR.

    P.S. – I hope the picture on this post isn’t what my tongue’s gonna feel like on New Year’s Day.

    I have my suspicions, though…


  8. My Vuvuzella came in the mail last week.
    Its a two piece telescoping Plastic trumpet that can be heard for miles.
    It is my Trumpet for Trumpeting for Trump!
    I had occasion to be out in a dog park the other day and some liberals accosted me with a petition to ban the use of wood stoves and fireplaces during extremely cold weather as the cold air prevents the smoke from rising and dissipating.
    “This is air pollution and we all must do our part to minimize damage to our environment”
    I endured their spiel and asked who would subsidize the extra costs of electricity and furnace oil during cold snaps.
    “We must all bear the costs” meaning suck it, pay up.
    “What about those who have energy to cut wood but no money to convert their heating system to sanctioned heating sources?, What if being poor causes them use shortcuts and endanger their lives?”
    “The community will step in with regulations, tax incentives, subsidies, and other programs”
    Aha! Communists!
    That’s when I deployed my Vuvuzella.
    I pointed at them ‘Invasion of the body snatchers’ style and shouted:
    “You’re a Loser trying to Schlong America!” and brought the Vuvuzella to bear.
    I will close with the immortal words of Johnny Horton:
    “They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles, and they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go”
    All the dogs thought it was great.

  9. this is a conflict unlike any in history.
    Not really, Very similar to what the Christians and Muzzies went thru centuries ago, except we’re still waiting for the Christians to show up.

  10. The US media and politicians have followed western leaders and the western media towards being “radicalized” by PC and multiculturalism bullsh!t. The people who started PC and multiculturalism are themselves, cultural Marxists, who hate western civilization, they have seeded the means of its own destruction. They hate western civilization so much that they’re willing to let Islam destroy it, all the while assuming, like narcissists do, that they will also destroy Islam from within.

    New flash, Lefties. Islam, unlike western culture, will allow no dissent, no cultural or religious co-existence. On pain of death, no less. Apparently, they never heard of Armenia.

  11. Last night in Hilton Head, SC, Trump said “We’re in a war (against the clintons, against the left, against islam)! I think we should call it a war, don’t you? Yeah, I think it’s better if we call it a war. I don’t necessarily like war, but it’s a war.”

    Trump: clear-eyed, fearless, a natural leader against things that are bad for America and Americans. When he takes office, the war with islam will be openly declared and we will know the enemy thoroughly.

    (And this gem about holding up his speech for applause: “I don’t need your frickin’ applause. I’m in a hurry. We’ve got a lot of things to do.”)

  12. Absolutely. I see Trump as the same kind of President as Ronald Reagan–who famously spooked the Iranians into giving up the American hostages as he was giving his inaugural address. This was after 444 days of daily disrespect to Jimmy Carter, who obviously did not put that kind of fear into them.

    Trump after eight years of Bawwy–pass the popcorn, please!

  13. Yes, i’ll raise a pint to that. (Preferably in a pub on McLean Avenue in Yonkers.)

    Can we agree that 2015 was a real stinkerino? Most of my misery can be traced to libs–certainly my professional issues can be laid squarely on the doorstep of Douchey-Douche Cuomo. My financial struggles are more complicated and involve many parties–Cuomo, congress, libtards in other states whose policies drive up my own cost of living. And don’t get me going on climate alarmists. These fools, believing their faux science in the ardent manner of children believing in fairy tales–are setting an expensive national policy that will further erode the fruits of the 53% of us who actually work for a living.

    I wish every one of you here a YUUUUUUGE amount of happiness in 2016–predicated, of course, on the proper candidates being elected in November.

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