Ann Coulter: Trey Gowdy’s Endorsement of Marco Rubio Will Be No More Effective Than His Benghazi Hearings – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter: Trey Gowdy’s Endorsement of Marco Rubio Will Be No More Effective Than His Benghazi Hearings

gowdy gutierrez

Breitbart: Conservative columnist and best-selling author Ann Coulter provided Breitbart News with her exclusive reaction to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)’s endorsement of donor-class favorite and presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Coulter told Breitbart, “I expect this endorsement will be as game-changing as Gowdy’s Benghazi investigation. (Big fat flop.)”  more here

15 Comments on Ann Coulter: Trey Gowdy’s Endorsement of Marco Rubio Will Be No More Effective Than His Benghazi Hearings

  1. Man what I’d give to have a button on that near spit swapping chat between Gowdy and Guiterrez. behind the dias. Remember Luis, I’ll have more flexibility when……………

    Boy, have we ever been fucked over!

    But yes. Happy New Year to all.

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