Global Warming Is Not the Problem – IOTW Report

Global Warming Is Not the Problem

Global Governance Is.

BigGovernment: Media Matters for America – George Soros’s pet attack poodle site – has published a list of the 15 Most Ridiculous Things Conservative Media Said In 2015.

I’m proud to say that I come in at number 6 (though obviously I would have preferred higher) with my statement that alarmist climate scientists are “a bunch of talentless low lives who cannot be trusted.”

In retrospect I wish to apologise for that sentence.

What I really should have said is that these are a bunch of lying, cheating, scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, third-rate tosspots who don’t even deserve the name “scientists” because what they practise isn’t really science but data-fiddling, cherry-picking, grant-troughing, activism-driven propaganda. Posterity will grant them about as much respect as we now accord the 17th century quacks who bled their patients using leeches, or the early 20th century German scientists who helped Hitler compose his diatribe against the discredited Jewish science of Einstein, or the scientists who ganged up on Alfred Wegener for his novel – but correct – theories on continental drift. Really, if none of them ever published another paper in their lives and all their grant funding dried up at midnight tonight, the cause of climate science would not suffer one jot – and the world would become a much better (and richer) place. more

8 Comments on Global Warming Is Not the Problem

  1. The globe has been hotter and colder, but the sea level oscillates only between two levels; the present sea level and the lower one evidenced by the continental shelf.
    If the Earth had a sustained higher sea level for any length of time there would be a third, higher elevation major sea level marker, but there isn’t one
    Global warming is not about warming.
    Its about circle jerking at the global level and making tin pot despot friends of the UN rich, and getting America to pay for it

    In order to enact One World Government, America must be destroyed. As long as one country has freedom and self determination the scheme won’t work.
    We truly are the last, best hope for human kind.

  2. Tell it like it is, Mr. Delingpole! And I am so glad to know that he, with his credibility, will be addressing the Agenda 21 monstrosity, which politicians pretend to be ignorant of. The tentacles of that evil plot already have a stranglehold on this nation and our liberties.

  3. Great stuff Mr. Delingpole. I also like stuff by Mark Steyn On Global Warming. Michael Creighton (RIP) great interview with the slow thinking Charlie Rose on the subject. But best of all is George Carlin on Global warming. LMAO

  4. I’ve been trolling the story at Media Matters for about an hour. Damn… those cats must be on Soros’ payroll! One guy has like 89K comments!

    I’m sure they’ve never had sex without either a credit card or a bottle of hand lotion.

  5. Yeah, some of you may have watched or heard of “Iron Mountain Report: Blueprint ForTyranny”,
    That replaces the nation/war system with subjugates to quell population growth, to bring us under a “world peace” system, through coersion of course. No morals could be used in constructing this, reduces mankind as a herd of cattle, and has many arms, sourced right from hells’ abyss.
    “They stab them with their steely knives but they just can’t kill the beast”.
    Progressivism started in the garden, ends with worshipping antichrist.

  6. You have to wonder how long sites like Media Matters and would last if Soros and other crony capitalists like John Warnock had their capital base attacked financially by rich conservatives. While people like Soros have insiders like Obama and his minions to give him information that he uses to make piles of cash some of which he returns in the form of donations to progressive causes a good, coordinated assault on his wealth and market positions could have him on his knees in days. I would think that Media Matters and Salon would fold within a month or some other lefty like Jeff Bezos would step in and spend more of his money propping it up.

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