Rubio Used His Influence to Aid Ex-Drug Dealer Relative – IOTW Report

Rubio Used His Influence to Aid Ex-Drug Dealer Relative

FederalistPapers: As it now appears the RINO establishment is ready to abandon Jeb Bush as their candidate of choice and support Marco Rubio instead, it seems the RINOs have found in Rubio someone they believe they can control.

rubio water

Maybe it  was his “Gang of 8″ immigration stance, or maybe they have other things from Rubio’s past to use as leverage.

A current story breaking about Rubio might just be one of those “leverage” items.

Fox News Latino reports:

While serving as the majority whip of the Florida House of Representatives in 2002, Marco Rubio used his political connections to push for state officials to grant his brother-in-law – a convicted cocaine trafficker – a real estate license, newly discovered records show.

The records, obtained by the Washington Post under the Florida Public Records Act, reveal that the current Republican presidential hopeful mixed his political and personal life early in his career to help out a troubled relative.

The letter, from July of 2002 and written to the Florida Division of Real Estate on Rubio’s official statehouse stationery, asks that Orlando Cicilia be granted a license “without reservation” despite the fact that he is a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier. MORE

11 Comments on Rubio Used His Influence to Aid Ex-Drug Dealer Relative

  1. Using influence and political ties is all too prevalent among elected officials, from the township, county, state and federal levels. Many call it constituent services, others call it nepotism, influence peddling or calling in favors.

    The Clintons have made a career of corruption, at the very least an appearance of impropriety. When you sell your government influence for money, you lose your integrity and break the law.

    Merit and equal unbiased status before the law takes a back seat to political influence. Those who breach the public trust rarely are prosecuted as their political influence stretches into the judiciary or they know where the bones are buried.

    The Clinton influence peddling corruption machine has become an art form copied by others. Although, small in comparison, Rubio’s actions are non-the-less an abuse of office, power and influence.

  2. Another indication of how far we have fallen from an actual Republic to a Banana-Type Republic. It won’t be long before the pols demand cash payments for “constituent services” rather than stealing from the Treasury (fewer taxes).

  3. I’m not a supporter of Ocho, but did he do anything illegal or something we ourselves might not do for a relative? He wrote a letter of recommendation. Nowhere did it say he got the brother in law something he was not entitled to because of the felony conviction; if you look at the time line, the bro in law got nailed and jailed while Ocho was still a teenager.

    I’m sure if we dig deeper, there are plenty of things that Ocho would not like to have made public, but this one is a big nothingburger for me–and it’s also something that has been known for a while according to Rush’s substitute on Thursday’s show.

  4. Almost every one of them do this. That is the problem. Thats why its best to start anew with someone who has never been in politics, or has never been a lawyer.

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