Attack owl targeting government workers – IOTW Report

Attack owl targeting government workers

owl pissed off

PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) – An owl that achieved notoriety last winter for attacking joggers in an Oregon park has returned and is now turning its talons on government workers, state officials said on Wednesday.

The barred owl has clawed at least three people outside the state Capitol in Salem in a series of attacks since late November, city parks department spokeswoman Tibby Larson said.

“It’s silent. You’re just walking along, minding your own business, and an owl comes silently at you from behind,” Larson said.  MORE

8 Comments on Attack owl targeting government workers

  1. Trump is gonna have a YUUUUGE cadre of attack owls trained to specifically attack government employees, criminal invaders and taxpayer funded parasites (my apologies for being triply redundant)

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