TEXAS: Make a false 911 call about open carry, go to jail. – IOTW Report

TEXAS: Make a false 911 call about open carry, go to jail.

GunsSaveLife: The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has again taken to social media to urge its paranoid stooges to call 911 if they see anyone openly or concealed carrying a firearm, setting the stage for unnecessary and potentially lethal confrontations between legal gun owners and nervous police.

…In an Oct. 2 National Review article, Charles Cooke studied the comments on GSGV’s Facebook page, Twitter page and website and uncovered startling and scary threats by people who, apparently, aren’t just opposed to individual ownership of firearms, but violently hate those who own guns.Cooke writes that while scrolling through their website commentary, “every 20 comments or so, one sees dangerously inflammatory rhetoric.”

Cooke cites these examples:

h/t Rob.

8 Comments on TEXAS: Make a false 911 call about open carry, go to jail.

  1. Oh, but that won’t stop the loons from trying to get someone exercising their right to bear arms arrested or worse. It’s a resume enhancer in the Democratic Party if there’s a trail of bodies behind you.

  2. Aw, does the big, scawwwy gun frighten you? Don’t worry, it can’t get out of the holster unless I let it.

    Hahaha. I hope they do start calling, and getting a court date for their trouble.

  3. Such false 911 calls are a waste of vital emergency resources as well as the time of Law Enforcement Officers. I can only hope that these calls are treated like 911 “prank” calls, and the callers are charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  4. We should pass a regulation here in Texas so that when a MWAG call comes in the 911 operators forward them to trained 1911 operators to sort things out.

    Think: Bad_Brad on the other end of a line with one of these false-accusing troublemakers when he calls.

    B_B: 1911 operator, how may I help you?

    Lowlife lib: There’s a MAN WITH A GUN !!1!

    B_B: Could you describe this gun for me?

    L L: It’s black and in a holster !!1!

    B_B: So it’s a pistol?

    L L: YES !!1!

    B_B: OK. Now, could you be more specific? Is it a tupperware pistol or a metal one like an HK ?

    L L: Tupperware? HK? WTF?!!

    B_B: I’m sorry. I see you don’t know anything about guns. I’ll check that box off. OK, let’s try again. Tupperware is my way of saying – is it a fucking Glock, moron?

    L L WTF ? !!1!

    B_B: Look, I’m here to serve the public so I need to know what we’re dealing with. If it’s tupperware I’m going to tell you not to worry since the damn thing will kill the carrier himself anyway, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.

    L L: WTF !!1! What kind of service is this?

    B_B: 1911. I’m here to tell you to get a nice Wilson Combat 1911 to carry if you’re scared for your life in public. We offer training at Bad_Brad’s 1911 for your safety. Would you like to sign u…

    L L: click

    B_B: OK. Another MWAG call resolved. No one got hurt. Let’s have another round of Tequila over here, boss.

  5. Idiots like these are part of the reason I prefer concealed carry over open carry. The other part is, why let ’em know what you have? Much better to make it a surprise.


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