Democracy and Religion – thoughts? – IOTW Report

Democracy and Religion – thoughts?

Harvard Business School professor Clay Christensen shares some thoughts on religious freedom based on a conversation he had with a Marxist economist from China. I found the concept put forth in this short video to be thought provoking. Whether you agree with the conclusion reached in the video or not is up to you.

Video here

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9 Comments on Democracy and Religion – thoughts?

  1. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    The further it drifts from its original religious moorings, secularism will always tend toward iniquity, tyranny and bloodshed. Without fail.

  2. Absolutely! Without religion (right from wrong for the LIV) we’re doomed.

    I am a Christian, but I know many of the Jewish faith that share our Nation’s direction. Validation that we are a Judeo/Christian country.

    Islam/Sharia has no place in our lives. Nor does any other false religion.

  3. That video is well worth the 1 minute and 39 seconds it takes to watch it. Odd that that someone from an entirely different culture and governmental philosophy can see this so easily while many Americans truly have no understanding of the concept.

  4. All morality flows from the creator through nature to man.
    That is how it is revealed to man.
    If morality came from man, it would be indistinguishable from desire.
    It takes little thought to foresee the consequences of a system based on desire.

  5. I would go further and opine that no system of government can sustain itself for any length of time without religion. True communists claim that religion has no place in its system, but really all communists do is replace worship of a diety for worship of the state – in other words, communism itself is the religion. Eventually, when the state proves fallible, communism fails.

    Islam is different because to Moslems, the political state and the religion are one and the same, and this is what makes Islam a threat to western nations. To a Moslem, having a political state make and enforce laws under the dictates of the Koran is a requirement, not an option. So yes, religion is in fact important to Islam and Islamic governments, and Islamic governments cannot function without the religious beliefs of its citizens.

    The professor’s point can also be made by the high percentage of crime that is never solved, or is only solved after the perpetrator engages in a substantial pattern of behavior. Television shows always show the murderer being brought to justice, but in real life, murders are normally solved because there is a relationship between the criminal and the victim, or because the criminal was an idiot, or by luck. If a woman is killed and her husband is above suspicion, the odds are good the crime will not be solved. Without its citizens observing some sort of higher moral ground required by religion, a society cannot commit enough resources to ensure a safe society.

  6. If there is no one to teach the guiding principals of morals and behavior there will be no principals of morals or behavior. Not only does religion provide a forum for teaching but so does an intact family unit. We are lacking some critical pieces to a functioning society right now.

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