‘Knot a Problem’ – IOTW Report

‘Knot a Problem’

yarn untangler society

OddityCentral: If tangled headphone and charger cords irritate you, you’re never going to understand this group’s passion for knotted yarn. These devoted ‘detanglers’ are part of an online community called ‘Knot a Problem’, dedicated to untangling the most complicated yarn disasters. They love untangling so much that some are actually willing to pay money in exchange for your knottiest balls of yarn.

Daphne Basnet, from Melbourne, once spent $50 on eBay for a 25-pound box of hopelessly twisted string, just for something fun to do. That was before she even knew of the existence of the Knot a Problem. It took her five long weeks to ‘detangle’ the 120 balls of yarn-worth of knotted mess, a time that she looks back on fondly. “I was so happy, I can’t tell you,” she recalled.


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12 Comments on ‘Knot a Problem’

  1. Although I may be bored or lonely at times, I’ve never been THAT bored or lonely. Of all the things one can do on the internet, soliciting people for tangled masses of yarn has never entered my mind.

  2. It begins as a matter of pride and perseverance which quickly turns OCD. Unknotting starts at about the 5th year of mommyhood with “I’m gonna get that dang knot out of the shoelaces” and accelerates while hand stitching hems on boy’s trousers that need turning up for the two months before they are the right length for two months. If mom didn’t use the word for excrement before, this is when the utterances also start.

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