Clinton’s Bosnia Adventure Goes South – IOTW Report

Clinton’s Bosnia Adventure Goes South

AmericanThinker: Since the Gulf War, no one would ever accuse the beltway gang of being astute strategic thinkers.  While the Democrats have not cornered the market in this regard, there’s no doubt the leftist DC establishment have become experts at developing policies that result in abject failures.  These misadventures go down the memory hole in the offices of the NYT and the WaPo, except if a Republican is President.  But not so with foreign news outlets.  France 24 has highlighted Bill Clinton’s arrogance and ignorance in one of history’s classic leftist military interventions. MORE

7 Comments on Clinton’s Bosnia Adventure Goes South

  1. I used to own a townhome in a condo complex. My next door neighbor was a Roman Catholic Croatian who’d fought in the Croatian-Serbian War. When I referred to Slobodan Milosevic as Slobodan Sonofabitch, he quietly corrected me, saying that yes, Milosevic was a corrupt power-hungry politician but that he was also Europe’s best hope at holding back the flood of Filthy Moslem Savages oozing over the border from crime-ridden Moslem Albania. He said that all the Filthy Moslem Savages in Bosnia-Herzogovina and other parts of the former Yugoslavia had illegally immigrated over the decades and were usurping traditional Serbian and Croatian lands. Milosevic was just trying to get them to GTFO and go back to where they belonged.

    My neighbor warned me repeatedly that the Filthy Moslem Savages were civilization’s greatest threat and needed to be wiped out in a war of Western values versus stone-age barbaric evil. I thought he was being over-dramatic.

    I’ll never forget September 11th, 2001. I came home from work, devastated at the Filthy Moslem Savage terror attacks. My neighbor met me outside with tears in his eyes and an ice-cold bottle of vodka in his hand and embraced me, both of us crying tears of rage & sadness. Before he could say it, I said “You told me so. You were right.” Then we got good & drunk.


  2. mansfield, thank you. That was touching and insightful. Lets all listen to those who have lived through what we are now recognizing. I’m especially thinking of those who escaped islamic, socialist and communist countries who see it happening with America.

  3. Sort of. What actually happens after they convince their followers to steal a nickel from someone, is that their glorious leadership pockets the nickel, and blames the person the nickel was stolen from for the disappearance of the nickel.

    While the leftist minions attack the person or group the nickel was stolen from, the leftist leadership uses the nickel to buy stuff for themselves.

  4. Yep.
    I’ve said for years we bombed the wrong side there.

    Sure the Croats and Serbs had it in for each other, but both wanted to get the muslimes out of Europe as their ancestors had.

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