Kasich and Bush open up contrasting ad strategies – IOTW Report

Kasich and Bush open up contrasting ad strategies

WaExam: John Kasich launched his first television ad of the campaign season Sunday.

kasich jeb

With a hard folk rock background, a narrator describes Kasich’s early challenges: “He lived a hardscrabble life in a rusty steel town. … When he lost his parents to a drunk driver, he had the faith to carry on.”

The spot, entitled, “America: Never Give Up,” will air in New Hampshire and on Boston stations that reach the Granite State.

The ad buy represents a contrast in strategy with Kasich’s establishment rival Jeb Bush, who has pulled ads in some states, and openly questioned the effectiveness of on air advertising “Fox News Sunday.”  MORE

10 Comments on Kasich and Bush open up contrasting ad strategies

  1. I am saddened for him that he lost his parents to a drunk driver. That’s tragic. But I vote for the guy based on that? “Let’s exploit my dead parents for political gain.” What a sack of ?.

  2. No kidding. I hate pandering to a victim mentality. We all have our crosses to bear, and losing a loved one in a tragic event is terrible, but it says nothing to me about someone’s ability to deal with issues of national sovereignty, jobs, a health insurance situation that is so incredibly screwed-up the only ones getting anything out of it are the insurance companies, the infiltration of our federal gov’t by islam and the muslim brotherhood, runaway illegal immigration, doubling of people on welfare, etc., etc. etc.

    Why is kasich still in this race? Why?

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