Obama: My gun control executive orders aren’t going to do very much to stop criminals – IOTW Report

Obama: My gun control executive orders aren’t going to do very much to stop criminals

obama unicorn

WyBlog: Talk about lowering expectations. The greatest gun salesman in the history of the universe has now admitted that his upcoming “New and Improved” executive orders on gun control aren’t really going to do anything to stop bad guys from doing bad things.

“This is not going to solve every violent crime in this country,” Obama said, setting expectations for what he can do on his own. “It’s not going to prevent every mass shooting; it’s not going to keep every gun out of the hands of a criminal.”

But other than that, it’s gonna be spectacular!  more

19 Comments on Obama: My gun control executive orders aren’t going to do very much to stop criminals

  1. It’s all anout feeling food to the DemonRat voter.He can now say one again he tried to do something leaving out he relevant part about not doing a damn thing that would help against violent crime.

    The only thing that would help keep guns out of th ehands of would be mass shooters would be to eliminate any DemonRat hands from owning firearms. Make it illegal for DemonRat voters to take possession or own them or buy ammunition.

    We have the lefts favorite list, voter rolls, force them to use them properly and for the right cause. Since moany are opposed to owning the damn little self aware creatures, they shouldn’t have any objection to this policy. The over burdened police can come to the rescue ti any Rat damsel or family in distress but the mass killers will be curbed finally since they’re the ones more likely to be mentally unstable thus perpetrate those heinous acts.

  2. Well isn’t that just a great big DUH! Like I’ve said before there is nothing about worthless presidunce that I have even the smallest iota of respect for. He’s in for a big fall, sooner rather than later his arrogance and hubris are going to catch up with him. I pray that I don’t gloat when that happens even though he deserves it.

  3. Much like obama’s policies regarding the US economy, debt reduction, green energy, international diplomacy, transparency of government, race relations, unfettered immigration, black on black murder, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and countless red lines drawn, etc., etc.

    All blow, no go. It’s another self made crisis to deflect away from his inept leadership of 7 years and the dire reality he has created.

    Here in reality, just another policy/statement that does nothing beyond pandering to the left, another headline and another photo op.

    He does nothing to correct or improve any of the issues facing the US.

    Hell, I bet his golf game isn’t any better either.

  4. Here in NYS it already takes 6 to 9 months, closer to 9 – to get a handgun permit. They do an extensive background check into your medical and criminal history – and a judge decides whether you are approved or not. It’s like having to present your case before a court of law to own a firearm.

  5. “Gun Control” is never about safety and security of the citizens – it’s always about the safety and security of the Oligarchs.

    This is such a plain, obvious, and inarguable fact that I am completely gobsmacked that there exist Americans who believe otherwise.

    or “profess” to believe otherwise …

  6. That’s what you get for living in a blue state.

    Here in Indiana, I go to a gun store, pick out a gun, wait 5 minutes for my background check, then pay for my gun and take it home.

    Simple as that.

  7. Likewise. I’ve been buying and selling online since the Clinton years, and there’s always an FFL involved somewhere.

    On the Internets, it’s just like that “15 year-old cheerleader” you’re in the chatroom with could just as easily be a 400-pound naked guy that lives in his mom’s basement. Or a Fed. Or a 400-pound naked Fed that lives in his mom’s basement…

    “Trust but verify.”

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