Birds of a feather… That time Bill Cosby stepped up for Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Birds of a feather… That time Bill Cosby stepped up for Hillary Clinton

Breitbart: In the final days of the 2000 Senate race, Bill Cosby appeared with Hillary Clinton at an election eve rally in Buffalo, a working class town where a lot of the locals thought Hillary was kind of phony. Although he spent millions of dollars, Congressman Rick Lazio would lose the race, demonstrating how NOT to run against a woman.

cosby clinton

“Cosby was a real a$$hole from the minute he hit town,” G.D. Parenti, a long time Western New York Democrat who was a volunteer on the Clinton advance team pulling the event together, told me in a recent interview. “He had the best suite in the city, it was nicer than Hillary’s suite. He kept calling it a ‘toilet’ and said the place was a ‘dump,’” said Parenti, a Hillary Clinton supporter.

“Cosby told me he wouldn’t shake-hands with any of the ‘local sh!t-kickers,’ as he called them, but would instead be whisked from the holding room to the podium at the boisterous rally. Cosby would not pose for pictures with local dignitaries or fans. I almost got run over by Chuck Schumer elbowing his way to be in the camera shot with Cosby,” said Parenti who’s family has been in the accounting business in Western New York for 75 years.

“Chelsea Clinton chewed my ass because Schumer was standing on her taped marker we had laid out in the walk through,” he said. “‘Parenti. You dumb sunuvab!tch,’ she bellowed. ‘I’m getting you fired,’ she said. She seemed upset when I told her I was a volunteer.”  MORE

9 Comments on Birds of a feather… That time Bill Cosby stepped up for Hillary Clinton

  1. I once saw a card that read (on the outside), “I will always love…”,
    and on the inside it said “…the false image I had of you.”

    That and your comment kinda sums it up for me.


  2. Nice to know, but kind’a late now, don’t’cha think?
    Would have been more appropriate at the time of the 2000 election. Like it would have been nice to know about O’Bozo’s birth certificate and college transcripts.

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